Tuesday, September 20, 2011

{Our Honeymoon} Chapter 1: Vamos a Cancun

And now to the part of our story that includes.... Our Honeymoon  :)

After all of the wedding festivities (as fun as they were), Mike and I were definitely ready for our honeymoon. We stayed at the Hotel Palomar for the first 2 nights, which was great! Since we had the 2nd reception on Saturday night, it was nice not to have to jump on a plane right after our wedding reception. We were able to relax and breathe a little after the whirlwind wedding week, and just enjoy our first day of being married. But we were definitely excited to head to Cancun on Sunday!

This was our first vacation, so it was fun to travel together! We joked the whole week about how it was the longest uninterrupted time we had spent together :) While we were waiting for our flights...

...we grabbed some food...

...admired our new bling...

...took some photos...

...checked out facebook to see the pictures friends had posted from our wedding...

...and even made some new friends... (Ignore Mike's foot. Mike struck up a conversation with the girl in the background about iPad vs. Nook and we learned that she and her husband- who is behind Mike's foot- were also on their honeymoon. And were also future church planters. So awesome.)

The flights went by quickly, as we were able to enjoy a few movies on Mike's new iPad.

Bienvenidos a Cancun!

We arrived in Cancun and were greeted by our driver- bottled water and wet towel in hand.

We drove through the city and headed closer to the coast. After about a 30 minute drive and a scenic tour of downtown Cancun, we arrived at the resort. We were super excited about the week ahead!


1 comment:

  1. Ooo I can't wait to read more! haha. That would be such a fun place to visit!
