Friday, March 30, 2018

Anatomy Scan + Name Reveal!

Today we had our anatomy scan! We were so excited to check in on our sweet boy and see how he was growing. We made it an entire family affair, which made for a fun adventure. Given the fact that both my ultrasound and doctor appointment were running late, and my sweet kiddos were hungry and ready for a nap...they did really well. It was still a circus trying to wrangle them both {even with man-on-man defense!}, but we made it out without embarrassing ourselves too much :)

Baby boy was looking so great! He was pretty active, but thankfully they were able to get all of the measurements and photos they needed to track his progress. He is currently breach, but we still have plenty of time for him to get into the right position. He had his hands curled up next to his face most of the time, but thankfully we were able to see all his healthy organs!

They found a few small placental cysts, but my doctor didn't seem too concerned about them. She'll monitor them to make sure they don't cause any problems, but today they were all pretty small. It just means we will get to see our sweet boy on ultrasound again next month!

- Heart Rate is 161 bpm
- Weighs 9 oz.
- Measuring in the 69th percentile


When we found out that we were pregnant {back in December}, we started talking about baby names. We actually went on a date and sat at Starbucks, talking about our favorites, figuring out which ones we liked, agreed on, etc. Boy names came really easy to both of us; girl names? Not so much.

While we were waiting for the results from the genetic testing, I told Mike that we should probably talk about girl names, just so we could have some options if we found out we were going to have a girl. He was so convinced that our baby was a boy, that he didn't feel like it was necessary. Good thing he was right :)

As you can see in the photo above, baby boy's name is Aiden Michael. Just like with Eli and Maddie, we chose the name because we liked it, and we both readily agreed on his name. But we also like some of the meaning behind the name! 

Aiden is an Irish name that means "little fire." The Irish name is a nod to his genetic family, and we're hoping that the meaning foreshadows passion and a fun personality...and doesn't come back to haunt us :)

Michael was chosen for a number of reasons. The first reason is actually as a namesake to a sweet friend and mentor {so not even just Mike!} Since Eli's middle name is for the namesake of a friend and mentor {Scott Winn}, we liked the idea of Aiden's middle name being for the namesake of another friend and mentor {Mike Judge}. And then of course, it's Mike's name, as well as my brother's name. Another fun part of it also being a family name is that the youngest boys on the McCullough side have a middle name after their father's first name. So Aiden's middle name is Michael {his dad's first name}. Mike's middle name is Thomas {his dad's first name}, etc. So Michael was just a good fit!

We're not quite halfway there yet, but we are so excited to meet you Aiden Michael!

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