Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Aiden's Woodland Nursery

When we first found out that we were pregnant, we were still living in the Sherrye house, and hadn't really {seriously} discussed buying a house, so I really had no plans to put together a nursery. We would have eventually moved Aiden into our guest room, but we also knew we probably wouldn't stay in that house long term, so I just decided a nursery wasn't necessary until we found a more permanent space.

Well...then we bought a house and had the extra space, so I just couldn't help myself! A fully decorated nursery still wasn't necessary, but the more I started to dream and plan, the more I decided to just go for it. In my brain, I justified the fully decorated space by picking a theme that could carry over as the official "boys' room" for when Eli and Aiden eventually share a space. So we will be able to keep and use most of what I have in there now, so it's a win/win! At least, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it :)

This space was so fun to put together! With Eli and Maddie's nursery, I wanted everything to be gender neutral, since they would share the space. So I chose less of a theme and just more specific colors. With Aiden's nursery, I picked an outdoor/woodland/adventure theme, and I love how it turned out!

We are re-using the chair that was Eli and Maddie's room, but we did have to get another crib and dresser. So yes...we have 3 {count them three} cribs in our house haha. I was able to use our old coffee bar shelf in the nursery, and I found the dresser on Wayfair. That thing was a beast to put together, but I think it works well in the space.

I found the decor pieces at Hobby Lobby, Home Goods, Target, and Amazon. I used some gift cards, watched for sales, and used coupons. I'm all about finding good, practical deals!

Wall Decor
I bought a few of the wall decor items at Hobby Lobby, but was still able to work on a few DIY projects to personalize the space. I actually ended up making more than I thought I would have time for, and I am really glad I was able to add these individual pieces!

Materials: 8x8 wood artist boards, acrylic paint, vinyl
Tools: paint brush, painter's tape, silhouette cameo
Total Project Cost: $13 {thanks to a 50% off sale!}

Materials: felt, string, wood panel board, vinyl
Tools: fabric glue, painter's tape, silhouette cameo
Total Project Cost: $15 {thanks to a 50% off sale!}

{The arrows are from Hobby Lobby}

Materials: 8x10 wood artist boards, acrylic paint, vinyl, large wooden letter
Tools: paint brush, painter's tape, silhouette cameo
Total Project Cost: $15 {thanks to a 50% off sale!}

{The wood frame and deer metal decor are from Hobby Lobby}

Materials: 8x8 and 8x10 wood artist boards, acrylic paint, vinyl
Tools: paint brush, painter's tape, silhouette cameo
Total Project Cost: $7 {thanks to a 50% off sale!}

Quilt + Crib Skirt
These are 2 items I would still like to make. The quilt is ready to sew together, and if I have enough material, then I will make a crib skirt. If Aiden holds off until closer to his due date, then I should be able to get those things done before then. But if it doesn't get done until later, that's ok. I had kind of resigned myself to that happening anyway :)


This space feels so sweet and cozy to me, and I am looking forward to spending time in here with our sweet boy!

1 comment:

  1. I love how it’s all come together!! So sweet for your boy!
