Thursday, August 9, 2018

37 Weeks

How far along? 37 weeks
Days since transfer: 240 days
Total weight gain: +32.0
Maternity clothes? Yes. My running shorts and t-shirt uniform is working only because I am wearing Mike's t-shirts...but I only have 1 or 2 pairs of shorts that don't feel too tight and uncomfortable. Definitely running out of least cute ones :)
Sleep: I think good sleep is officially behind least for a few months. It has been insomnia, but the last couple of nights, it has been contractions. So that's super fun.
Best moment of the week: Definitely checking more things off the baby to-do list! We got all the remaining baby items out of the attic, installed the car seats, knocked out a few more freezer meals, packed our hospital bags, and finished the nursery. Whew! I had a bit of a panic moment last week, thinking he was coming any minute, so I pushed Mike to help me get all this stuff done. Now I can breathe a little easier knowing that we are really ready for him now :)
Cravings: Nothing specific, but I have been wanting ALL. THE. FOOD. Seriously, I have been SO hungry this week. I have eaten an embarrassingly large quantity of food haha.
Symptoms: We hit early term! So there are fewer concerns for preemie issues, which is such a blessing. I have felt pretty achy and tired this week. My fingers are pretty swollen in the mornings, and I have to pee every 10 minutes haha.
Labor Signs: Things are definitely happening. I will spare you all the details, but there are definite changes, even ones that I never saw with Eli and Maddie. The good thing is that Google tells me that labor could be hours or still weeks away. So that's {not} helpful...I have also had some legitimate contractions this past few weeks. To the point where I actually feel them, and start timing them, but they just go away. But nothing at all today, and at my OB appointment this afternoon, I was still only dilated at 2cm {50% effaced} who knows? 
Looking forward to: A jam-packed weekend! We have been trying to meet with a number of people because we know we'll be off the radar for a bit when Aiden is born, so we have a ton planned this weekend. Eli needs a haircut, dinner with Granny and Grumpz, breakfast with friends, a Sam's run to stock up for baby, a friend's baptism, dessert with friends... we might have gone overboard with the scheduling, but it will be fun nonetheless!


Size of baby? About the size of a Zack Morris phone, half a medium pizza, or a lightweight kettlebell
Development: His lungs are likely mature, and he is packing on about a half an ounce per day {or half a pound per week}. He is practicing his breathing by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, sucking his thumb, blinking, and pivoting from side to side. His head is huge {awesome}, about the circumference as his chest. My development app also says that mamas carrying boys tend to eat more that those expecting that explains my crazy appetite haha.
Heartbeat: Running in the 130s today :)
Movement: He is still moving a good amount- stretching, rolling, and wiggling. And it kind of hurts when he moves around.
Current Position: Head down!

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