Friday, August 17, 2018

Baby Countdown :: The Waiting Game

When I went in for my 36 week appointment, I was already dilated 2cm, and my OB told me to make sure my bag was packed, because she didn't think I'd make it to my due date. I had a bit of a panic moment, thinking Aiden could arrive at any moment, so we rushed around to finish our baby to-do list {what have I been doing all summer??}. I had lots of contractions, and really felt like we would meet him early...

Fast forward to my 37 week appointment: I was still only dilated 2cm, and my OB asked if I would want to schedule an induction at 39 weeks. To be fair, it's a routine question for her patients, but the vibe was that maybe we didn't need to worry so much about him coming early after all. I barely had any contractions this week, and it seems like he is perfectly content where he is. 

I started having legit contractions around midnight. They're still not close or regular enough, but it's something. I have also felt super nauseated, and have had some intense lower back pain. At my 38 week appointment today, I had progressed to being 3cm dilated, 50% effaced, and he's in station -2. I was hoping I would be further and she would send me to labor and delivery, but I guess some progress is better than none! I'd be more than ok if things sped up and he came this weekend :)

But for now, we're playing the waiting game.

The good news is that we have everything checked off our baby to-do list. We are actually ready for him, and I won't have to worry about finishing anything up after he arrives! Our bags are packed, the nursery is set up, and the freezer is stocked. We're at the point where I want him to come soon, so I don't have to re-set and re-stock what we have already prepared for the last minute rush out the door haha!

I definitely don't feel as uncomfortable as I did with my twin pregnancy, but I'm also not feeling my best. I am so thankful I didn't have to do bed rest this time, but I'm moving slower and feeling pretty tired and achy by the end of the day. Chasing 2 toddlers under 2 with a gigantic belly makes for some interesting challenges! I have enjoyed this pregnancy, but I think I am ready to have my body back and relieve some of the typical pregnancy aches/pains :)

It's a little strange this time around because I feel like I'm still clueless about this whole going-into-labor thing. I was able to avoid a C-section with Eli and Maddie, but I was induced. So waiting around for labor to start just feels different this time around. I'm not trying to keep him in as long as possible; instead, he is ready anytime, and we are ready for him to come out! Is that a contraction? {probably} How far apart should they be when I call again? {every 5 minutes for 1 hour} What if I miss it? {you won' least that's what people say} Will my water break? {maybe, maybe not} Will there be enough time to get Eli and Maddie settled before we have to go to the hospital? {hopefully, but we'll figure it out}. Haha- I know we'll be fine, I just feel like a first time mama again!

My OB won't let me go a week past my due date {due date is August 30}, and I'd really like to avoid another induction, if possible {pitocin is NO JOKE}. So Mr. Aiden has 20 days to come on his own! Plenty of time for him to figure it out, right? :)

So for now, we wait. We do a lot of walking/squatting/moving to encourage him to come on his own. We have that last minute play date or lunch {if I can muster the energy}. We soak up our last remaining days as a family of 4. Because all too soon we'll be in the bleary-eyed newborn stage, trying to figure out life as a family of 5 {five!}

T-minus 20 days...give or take about 20 days :)

1 comment:

  1. The waiting for baby game is SO hard- it’s like, I have to be ready this far in advance because maybe he’ll come, but then I just waiiiiit. Praying for this weekend, that if it’s not time to meet your baby boy that it would be a sweet time with your “little” family of 4. Love you friend and I also can’t wait to meet Mr Aiden!!
