Thursday, August 2, 2018

36 Weeks

How far along? 36 weeks
Days since transfer: 233 days
Total weight gain: +30.0
Maternity clothes? Yep...and I officially started wearing Mike's t-shirts haha. Sometimes you just need to cover that belly and not have it stick out the bottom of the shirt you are wearing, even if you're hanging out at home...
Sleep: I have been up several times in the middle of the night, but thankfully have been able to fall back to sleep fairly easily. Or at least with enough time to get at least an extra hour of sleep before I have to get up and start my day. I have noticed that it is getting harder and harder to get up in the's like I am waking up right in the middle of a sleep cycle, so I just feel so groggy, like I could sleep all day.
Best moment of the week: Checking in on our sweet boy! I am still a little sad I haven't been able to SEE him as often as we saw Eli and Maddie, but I am thankful for that doppler and the ability to hear his little heartbeat!
Cravings: Still hard boiled eggs and least it's healthy {and I can actually eat it!}
Symptoms: I have felt A LOT more achy this the end of the day, my back is killing me, and I am definitely waddling just because my legs hurt haha. I definitely had to put my wedding rings on a necklace this week. My fingers are pretty swollen with the heat, so it was just safer to go ahead and remove those. My feet haven't started swelling yet, so I am kind of surprised. Though I am sure that's coming :)
Labor Signs: He has definitely dropped! As of my OB appointment on Tuesday, I was already 2cm dilated, and my doctor said she could feel his head. She doesn't think I will make it to my due date and advised me to make sure I had my hospital bag packed {!} I had a lot of cramping after that appointment for about a day, but thankfully that subsided. I think next week's appointment will be a better indicator of whether or not I am progressing in any significant way.
Looking forward to: Meeting our little guy- we're so close! Although, I have to be honest: I had a little panic moment when my OB said she didn't think I would make it to my due date. Really, if he came tomorrow, we'd be fine. But there is still so much I want to get done before he makes his arrival, so I am hoping for at least another couple of weeks to get it all done!


Size of baby? About the size of a 2L bottle of soda, a footlong sub, a throw pillow, or a power drill
Development: Bring on the pink skin and chubby little legs! His growth will slow down in the coming weeks. Most of his bones and cartilage are quite soft and most of his systems are pretty mature. Blood circulation has been perfected, and his immune system has developed enough to protect him from infections outside the womb. His digestive system still needs a few finishing touches though.
Heartbeat: Was running in the 150s at my appointment on Tuesday
Movement: Still moving all the time, and poor little guy has had a lot of hiccups. But I can definitely tell that his movements are easing up a bit...he's finally running out of room!
Current Position: Head down!

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