Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Baby Countdown :: Zero Progress

I saw my OB again today. I have had zero contractions {and not even any Braxton Hicks} since Friday, so I was curious to see if I had made any progress at all...

...and there has been none. Zilch. Zero progress. I am basically in the same place I was before all the crazy contractions. What?? Haha. My type-A, planner brain is exploding over here. The unknown and imminence is driving me crazy! There is nothing about this that can be predicted or pinpointed, so it is really requiring a lot of patience and trust and surrender of control...some of my personal strong suits {not at all}.  :)

This silly boy is perfectly comfortable where he is, and he is still pretty high {station -2}. My OB has even commented several times about how he is curled up in his favorite position. Thankfully, he is head down, and I have made some progress {3cm dilated, 50% effaced}. So it could definitely be worse {good reminder from a sweet friend}. He just needs to turn a little bit and settle further down...and decide to join us on the outside!

In other fun news...when I went to start Mike's car to head to my OB appointment today, it wouldn't start. Turns out, he had a dead battery! So we were able to get that replaced, and we are thankful that's all it was. Definitely glad that happened now, and not when we needed to head to the hospital! So even in the little things, the Lord is orchestrating the perfect timing for Aiden's arrival. I just need to remember that as we continue to wait on this sweet boy...

T-minus 16 days...give or take about 16 days {I won't be updating every couple of days, just wanted to record my appointment for today}  :)

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