Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Twin Update :: 1.5 Years

Eli and Maddie are a year and a half year old! I thought it would be fun to give a little update on where they are, since I stopped doing my monthly milestone updates. A lot has happened in 6 months! 

Eli & Maddie,

Baby loves, you are a year and a half already! We are full on into toddlerhood, and there are so many fun and challenging things about that. We love seeing your little personalities bloom, and you both are just so full of life! Your Daddy taught you to flip over {like a somersault}, so you will just bend over at the waist with your little butts in the air and your heads on the floor, waiting for us to flip you over :)   You have both started feeding Sasha on purpose, calling her over and letting her eat out of your hand. You both have seemingly ENDLESS energy, barely stopping long enough to refuel and keep going. You are into EVERYthing! You are both also working through how to process some BIG emotions. You can go from ecstatic giggles to complete screaming meltdown in 2 seconds flat, and it is challenging me in ways I never knew was possible. I want so much to understand how your little toddler brains and hearts are processing things, and I am just thankful for grace and new mercies every morning. As hard as some days can be, we love you both so much, and we cannot imagine life any other way. Life is full and crazy and chaotic and fun...and we love it!


Current Schedule ::
7:30am      Wake Up/Breakfast
8:00am      Play Time {usually pretty loose, playing with toys in your play room}
10:15am    Snack
10:45am    Play Time {work on puzzles, read books, etc} or run errands
12:15pm    Lunch
1:30pm      Nap
4:00pm      Snack
4:30pm      Play Time 
6:30pm      Dinner
7:00pm      Bath Time
7:30pm      Bed Time


Loves :: stacking things, figuring out how things work, reading ALL the books, your daddy {this boy is a daddy's boy to the core}

Dislikes :: when your sister bothers you or takes something from you, when things don't work instantly the way you want it

Eat :: you are still a good little eater! though, you do seem to have your favorites, eating what you like the most first. you absolutely LOVE fruit and bread of all kinds...that's what you eat first, and of what you eat the most. you go through phases where you don't really want to eat chicken, but that's probably because we eat a lot of that haha. 

Sleep :: you are down to 1 afternoon nap, and you transitioned really well to that. you are still a good sleeper at night, sleeping a full 11-12 hours.

Play/Development :: you have 10 teeth and have rocked teething like a champ! we didn't even know you were getting more teeth in until they were there. you sometimes will repeat words back to me, but the consistent words you use without my prompting include: cracker, Mama, Dada, banana {nana}, shoe, cheese {chee}, uh oh, out, go, and no. you are running at 100 mph all the time, though you do tend to slowly and meticulously contemplate things. whether it's reading a book, examining something you have found, watching how something works, or observing your surroundings.

Unique to You :: you love your puppy dog! you chase her around and pet her and try to snuggle with her ALL the time. you are also our little copy cat...whatever your sister does, you have to do too! you seem to be in your own little world as you carefully examine every little thing, and we just want to know how your little brain is processing!


Loves :: learning new words {you point at everything and ask "ish?" wanting to know what it is}, making animal sounds, snuggling with stuffed animals

Dislikes :: being told "no," waiting any amount of time for something you want, wearing bows

Eat :: you are still a good little eater! you don't seem to discriminate against any particular food, instead you just enjoy it all. you are still a pretty messy eater, shoving handfuls into your mouth haha. you certainly love your carbs!

Sleep :: you are down to 1 afternoon nap, and you transitioned really well to that. you are still a good sleeper at night, sleeping a full 11-12 hours.

Play/Development :: you still only have 6 teeth! your are good at repeating words back to me, but the consistent words you use even without my prompting include: cracker, Mama, Dada, banana {nana}, shoe, cheese {chee}, uh oh, out, no, go, and Costco {ca co}. you don't say the names of animals, but instead, you say their sound :)  you will often walk up to something you know you're not supposed to touch, say "no" in your cute little Maddie voice and then proceed to do what you're not supposed to do.

Unique to You :: you are turning into a serious Mama cuddler. you want to be in my lap it seems at ALL times. you back your little tush up and plop down into my lap all day long. it's usually only a few minutes, but it's constant throughout the day. you have learned how to scream for attention...both playing in fun and when you're not happy about something. 


I will say that I am starting to understand the phrase "The days are long, but the years are short." When I am in the midst of diapers, snacks, stuffed animals, toddler tantrums, and twin chaos, I wonder sometimes what happened to my life. I feel as though I am just trying to make it to when Mike gets home, so I can have some reinforcements, and then to bed time, so that I can have some quiet, a moment of peace. Because this introvert mama struggles. The days just seem to run together and like they'll never end...

...but when I look back over the last 18 months, I just can't believe how quickly my tiny babies are growing up! As long as the days seem, the last year and a half has gone by in the blink of an eye, and I know it's only going to speed up. Because while there are definitely hard days, there are so many sweet moments. I love watching their little personalities develop, love watching them discover new things and play with each other. And I remember that I almost didn't get to experience any of it. And that just feels more overwhelming than I can bear. So I wouldn't trade any of the hard, because then I would miss all the sweet. And that is such a gift.

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