Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Countdown to Baby Aiden :: 100 Days!

I officially have 100 days left until my due date. When I was pregnant with Eli and Maddie, I wrote an overly sappy post about all the sweet moments of my pregnancy. I wanted to remember all that the Lord had done, all the sweet gifts He allowed me to experience.

So now you get an overly sappy post about this pregnancy :)  

A lot of the sweet moments of this pregnancy are the same. Getting to experience pregnancy again is just such a sweet gift, and I have tried to enjoy every moment of it. It has been a little bit harder to focus on this pregnancy, since my days are filled with chasing crazy toddlers. But I often have moments in my day when I feel him kick or see my belly dance, and I just can't help but feel overwhelmed that I get to experience this again.

Some of the sweet moments that are different in this pregnancy...

...carrying only 1 baby! Haha- it's sweet because it has made this pregnancy so much easier on my body. I have mentioned before on my baby bump posts that I don't look any smaller with one, but I definitely feel smaller with one. And that's a HUGE blessing. By this time in my twin pregnancy, I was definitely feeling the weight of carrying two babies. I feel like I have so much more energy and feel less achy this go round, and that is definitely sweet :)

...the benefit of knowing what to expect {for the most part}. I still have the unknown of actually going into labor {which is HUGE}, since I didn't know I was in preterm labor and ended up having to be induced in the end with Eli and Maddie. But everything else seems familiar, and it has been fun to anticipate some of those things. Like knowing what baby flutters and kicks feel like, and knowing the weird things about pregnancy, and knowing how he has been developing along the way. 

...the joy of adding to our family again. There's a joy and excitement over your first. There's a different joy and excitement over adding to your family and giving your first a sibling! So while he still won't be genetically related to me or Mike, he will be genetically related to Eli and Maddie. And we are so thankful for that sweet sibling connection. We have loved getting to watch the beginnings of Eli and Maddie's relationship grow, and we are so excited to see how Aiden fits into that sibling dynamic.

...the excitement of getting to meet this little one. When will we get to meet him? What will be his birth story? Will he come early? Late? Will he look like Eli or Maddie? Or neither? How will he fit into our little family? How will he change our dynamic? We are so excited to meet him, and while we know it will be crazy and hard with 3 under 2 {yikes!}, we just cannot wait to see how he rounds out our little family. 

I can still hardly believe how the Lord was kind enough to allow me another pregnancy. I was told I wouldn't get to experience pregnancy at all. And the Lord has graciously allowed me to experience both a twin AND a singleton pregnancy. How many people in general get to say that, let alone someone with an infertility diagnosis?? 

There are still some bittersweet moments, as this will be my last pregnancy. These will be the last baby kicks I will feel, the last miracle of growing a tiny human inside of me. And there is certainly some grief over that. Not because I necessarily want to be pregnant again. And certainly not because I am ungrateful for all the Lord has already provided. But because there is just such a finality to it all. This will be my last countdown to the arrival of a baby.

And so I want to remember this sweet and precious time. I want to remember all that the Lord has done and given. I want to enjoy the last moments of this pregnancy, and of pregnancy in general. Because the Lord made a way where there literally was no way. He generously gifted the impossible.


So what will these next {more or less} 100 days look like?
  • Finishing unpacking and getting fully settled in our new home.
  • Working on Aiden's nursery.
  • Preparing Eli and Maddie for the arrival of a baby brother {at least as much as you can prepare toddlers under 2!}.
  • Breastfeeding education. I am definitely hoping to try again, so I want to brush up on a few things to help get ready.
  • Soaking up sweet time as a family of 4 before we jump into the fun and excitement of being a family of 5!
  • Check-ups with my OB {that hopefully remain uneventful and routine}.
  • Sleeping long stretches at night :)
  • Enjoying the sweetness of feeling life inside my belly.

Thank you, Jesus for your unending blessings. For reminding me to stop and enjoy and remember these sweet moments. Thank you for the incredible gift of these precious moments.

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