Tuesday, January 6, 2009

As Promised...My Resolutions

I typically don't make resolutions the first of January. Only because if I feel I need a change, I make a change. Regardless of what time of year it is. But because of all of the changes going on in my world lately, there was a sense of ending and new beginning anyway, and it just happened around the first of the year. I did try to make the resolutions ahead of time, therefore decreasing the likelihood of failure (80% of people fail at their new year's resolutions in the first month...so sad!) So I am proud to announce that I am already 2 weeks into my new year's resolutions. I have kind of hit the wall that everyone hits, so writing them down for the world to see will give me the motivation to keep going. So here they are:
1. I RESOLVE...to take vitamins and drink more water. This sounds silly, but I am so bad about these 2 things. I forget to take vitamins, and I am just not interested in water. I actually don't require the amount of water that most people do...I have been to a doctor about it. It's not like I substitute water for other drinks...I just don't require a lot of liquids in general. And I can count only one time in my life when I have been dehydrated, so it's not a health issue. But I just feel like one day it might become a health issue, so I should resolve to get in the habit of drinking more water now.
2. I RESOLVE...to run every day and have a visible 6-pack by summer 2009. December was not a good exercise month for me. Which is not like me. Running is my stress reliever, but somehow time got away from me, so I wasn't as consistent as I usually am. So I have to get back into the routine of running every day. That is hard, especially on days like today when everything is covered in ice. But I am committed and need to get back into my running routine. Sasha and I are out of shape and that needs to change! And I couldn't help but add the 6-pack goal...I really want one. LOL. Not sure why, but I am going to work toward one :) I plan to do a combination of crunches, pilates, and tae-bo to accomplish that.
3. I RESOLVE...to read 2 books a month. I know 2 doesn't sound like a lot, but I have to start somewhere. It is hard for me to find time to read, so I am setting a goal of 2 books a month because I feel that is attainable. And I know once I get back into reading, I will be reading 2 books a week. I'm a bookworm at heart...I have just lost that part of me and need to gain it back. I ordered a lot of books for spiritual growth and have been itching to read them! I am determined to find the time to read. For January, I am reading God: As He Longs for You to See Him by Chip Ingram and The Shack by William P. Young. The first book is for spiritual growth; the second is so that I can be able to have conversations about it with people who have asked my opinion on the book. It is fairly controversial, so in order to have intellectual conversations, I need to read it myself to see what it's about. This book is not directly for my spiritual growth, as it is a fiction book. But I plan to compare it to God's Word to see how it fairs, since so many people are using it as a spiritual tool.
4. I RESOLVE...to pray more. I realized that this part of my spiritual life is severely lacking. That's so hard to admit because how awful is that? I pray...but I want to be characterized as a woman of prayer. And I can't honestly say that would describe me right now. My plan has several facets to it. First, I am using a book to get me started. It was a gift from one of the girls in my BSF group, and it has been such a blessing! It's called Face to Face by Kenneth Boa. Second, I am posting my "prayer lists" around my apartment so it is a visible reminder to me to pray. Third, I am dividing my prayers in my planner, so that I have specific things to pray for each day. I schedule everything in my planner and everything written down gets done. So why have I not thought to do that before? Not sure. But I am doing it now.
So there you have it. My resolutions. If you have any tips or encouragement to keep me motivated, please feel free to share and keep me accountable!
Currently Reading: God: As He Longs For You to See Him, by Chip Ingram

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