Tuesday, May 31, 2016

{iPhone Rewind} :: May

These have been so helpful to me with my nausea. I don't usually like the taste of ginger, but these "mints" really aren't that bad!

Another flower popped up in our front yard. Apparently we have a pink rose bush :)

Our sweet niece Henley was dedicated at church, and it was such a joy to stand alongside her parents to commit this sweet one to the Lord!

My first Mother's Day flower :)

How is this even comfortable?? 

Date #15: Starbucks and Scrabble #wcsavethedate16 #heismycutie 

Each week at Shiloh, we were asked to memorize a verse. We would each share our verse with the group, and I really loved this! It forced me to memorize Scripture {which I admit I don't do as often as I should}, and I loved hearing all the verses each week. I have definitely repeated these verses over and over on numerous occasions.

So this happened. I'm not even big yet, and I am already feeling pretty uncomfortable when I sleep. So the next 5 months should be fun :) But this pillow is A-Mazing. Seriously, it helps so much, and I'm so thankful for my sweet husband for ordering it for me without hesitation.

Date #16: Picnic in the Park #wcsavethedate16

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