Saturday, December 5, 2020

Christmas Countdown Chain + Ornaments

These art projects were a little bit more the kiddos' speed. We just used construction paper to make the paper chain, and because it's the cheap dollar store kind, we had to use tape instead of glue. But the kids didn't seem to mind- they just liked having their turn! So far, when we take a chain off, the kids ask why we're taking it apart haha. I don't think they quite understand the idea of counting down, but we'll see if they catch on at some point before Christmas :)

For the ornaments, I bought this kit at Hobby Lobby for 50% off, so it was a $4 project {$1.33 per kid}, so I would say it was well worth the money! There were more than enough ornaments and plenty of supplies to decorate them, and it was just easy, peel-and-stick pieces. It brings a little extra festivity to our little extended stay, and it will be the one and only time we can enjoy a project with a little glitter :)

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