Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

Earlier this week, I came across this quote from Mark Driscoll:
It reminded me of how thankful I am to have grown up in a house with a dad who valued the study of God's Word. I definitely get that discipline from my dad. Mike and I often share my parents' story of how they found Jesus through reading the Bible; we use it to encourage people of the importance of the Word- because we personally know people who's lives were changed by it!
Me and my dad on my wedding day ~ 2011
We didn't get to see my dad on Father's Day this year, but we did get to Skype {love technology!}
My dad is truly an example of steadfast faith and devotion to the God we serve. He is the humble and gracious picture of my Heavenly Father. My dad has taught me how to work hard, but to work as though working for the Lord. He has taught me the meaning of generosity and sacrifice. I know he loves me unconditionally, and he has shown me what a man of God should look like.
Dad, I love you very much, and I am so thankful for you! Happy Father's Day to the best dad in the world :)

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