Monday, July 1, 2019

2019 Goals :: June Check-In

I either did really well in a category, or really dropped the ball. Not sure what that means overall, but I'll see what July holds!

Goal #1: Drink 60oz of water every day
Totally dropped the ball on this one. I did drink water...just didn't even get close to 60oz per day. Whoops.

Goal #2: Increase my fitness level
I continued with the same workouts from last least through the first half of the month. I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to be increasing my reps each week to make it more effective, but I'm doing well just to complete the same workouts each week. Things kind of fell off in the last week or so, so I'm looking forward to jumping back on track in July.

Goal #3: Listen to the Audio Bible daily
Sigh. I hate to admit this, but the truth is that I maybe listened to the Audio Bible 3 days total this month. I have no good excuses, though I could try to spout a few {increased discipline of toddlers- which basically makes it impossible to listen to anything above the screaming; a lot of activities- so not at home as much, etc}. But you make time for what's important, right? I just didn't do well with this in June. I'm pretty far behind now, but I'm still hoping to at least start anew this month.

Goal #4: Read 55 Books
This month, I read 4 books. Not a ton, and a pretty random assortment.

Goal #5: Participate in the #150hoursoutside project
We spent A LOT of time outside this month! 

Goal #6: Do something creative every month
I actually finished and ordered our 7th year photo book! It feels SO good to have that off of the to-do list. Now to start our 8th year photo book :)

Goal #7: Be more intentional with discipling Eli and Maddie
This month, we started walking through Hero Training and learned about the following character traits: helpful, self-control, creative, and attentive. 

I will say, I am having to adjust a lot of this curriculum to fit Eli and Maddie's age, as a lot of it is a little over their head. But I still think it is worth it to finish out the book to introduce these character traits to them. For families with multiple age levels, I think it would work great, because there are activities for everyone! But with just my two, I think this book would be better for when they are 3 or 4 years old. Or at least when they know who the super heroes are :)

Aiden doesn't want to be left out of our Bible reading time :)

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