Friday, July 26, 2019

Aiden :: 11 Months


Baby Boy...11 months! ELEVEN months. I believe the Lord has graciously allowed me to enjoy every moment of your baby months. While there have definitely been hard days, and I am still partly in denial that you will be 1 year old in 30 short days...I know that these past few months could have flown by even faster. And I am thankful for that sweet gift. Because I know the next month is going to be hard to process as I try to get used to the fact that my baby is moving beyond the baby stage! You are on the move, full of personality, and such a sweet joy! I have every intention of snuggling you close all day, every day, so get ready :)



Stats :: 27 pounds

Clothing/Diaper Size :: you are wearing 24 months/2T clothes and size 5 diapers

Loves :: all things water {drinking, splashing, bathing, playing}, touching the fireplace and cabinet doors

Dislikes :: being kept from touching things you're not supposed to, staying still :)

Eat :: you are already starting to drop some bottles, but I still think it's going to be month-long process to transition away from formula. some days you are perfectly ok with skipping a bottle in favor of a solid snack. other days, you protest until you get a bottle. some of the new things you tried this month: Cheerios, graham crackers, strawberries, multi-grain crackers, gold fish, kiwi, and peanut butter. you still only have 2 teeth, but that doesn't seem to slow you down too much.

Sleep :: I have started limiting your morning nap, which seems to be helping you take a better afternoon nap. if we keep you busy and fill your belly, you will easily take a 3 hour afternoon nap. it may not last long, but I'll appreciate the long naps while they last! you are still sleeping through the night. you struggled a bit when you figured out how to move around in your crib. I came in after a nap to find you standing up and leaning over the rail, so I immediately dropped your mattress. and then you started sitting up in bed for long periods of time {doing the whole nodding off, swaying, jerking yourself awake}, and I have even had to go in and lay you back down. but I think you're starting to move past it.

Play/Development :: you sort through your toy bin, looking for specific ones you like. you roll and chase after balls. you are not happy when mama tells you "no." you finally rolled over, baby boy! haha- I was convinced you were going to walk before you rolled back to tummy, but you finally did it all on your own {as of a few days ago}. of course, now you won't stay still when I change your diaper, and you spend a good chunk of time sitting up in your crib before falling asleep now. you are pulling up on everything, trying to cruise a bit, and have even stood for a few seconds without holding on to everything. you have some impressive leg control, as you can squat up and down fairly easily to pick up things off the floor {while holding onto something or someone, of course}. it's pretty exciting around here, as you have your own personal cheering squad that yells, "Aiden stand up! YAY!" every time you do haha. you also recently started giving high fives, another crowd favorite :)

Unique to You :: while you are becoming more independent and opinionated, you are still just a happy baby boy. you light up when you see your daddy and when you are playing with your brother and sister. you want so much to run around with them, and you are getting pretty good with keeping up while crawling. it's only a matter of time before you're running around like a crazy kid too! for only having 2 teeth, you sure have a pretty intense bite; you will be playing and snuggling and then will just chomp down on me or your daddy. you're playing, but it still hurts! you have also started gagging yourself; you will stick your fingers in your mouth, gagging yourself, and you think it's so funny. such a funny little habit that we hope goes away soon. I have started giving your belly raspberries after bath, and you let out the BEST belly laughs! and when I am feeding you your bedtime bottle, you like to hold your feet, hold your legs in the air, and smile while letting milk dribble out of your mouth. silly, precious boy :)

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