Saturday, June 29, 2019

High Five for Friday! {Saturday Edition}

{one} It has been such a jam-packed week! I had every intention of publishing this yesterday {on an actual Friday}, but I ended up with some sort of 24 hour bug and was down for the count for a bit. It's like my body hit a wall and just stopped. I have a few posts to work on about our recent activities, but I thought I would do a quick update today :)

{two} Our big event of the week was swim lessons! This is our second summer with Ashley's Aquatics, but this year, Eli and Maddie were on their own in the class {we did Mommy and Me last summer}. There were A LOT of tears. Every day, Eli would ask about going to a "different pool" or say "later" for swim lessons...clearly not wanting to go each day, then crying throughout the entire lesson. Maddie had a breakthrough on Wednesday, where she started to feel a little more comfortable in the water. Despite all the tears, the "I don't want to"s, and "all done"s, my kiddos at least tried to be obedient. I'm so thankful for Mrs. Ashley and Miss Haley who were so patient and encouraging with my nervous swimmers. We have another week of swim lessons in a couple of weeks, so we're hoping for more progress then :)

{three} My mom was in town to help with swim lessons, and we had SO much fun with Grandma in town! Aside from swim lessons, we played with LEGOS and sidewalk chalk, read countless books, had lunch with one of my aunts, ran through the sprinklers, had lunch with Daddy, etc. etc. These kiddos were WORN OUT at the end of each day :)

{four} Last Friday, I had my 6 month check-up with my GI. I got yet another good report {praise God!} Because I am doing so well and not planning any future pregnancies, my GI said I could push my next check-up out to 1 year. That's such good news! Of course, I can always go see him if I have any issues. But for now, I am just thankful for good health.

{five} Yesterday, Sasha had her annual check-up with the vet. I asked the vet about her recent clinginess, and her best guess is that Sasha may be in some pain. She doesn't act like it, but the vet said sometimes we don't know the extent of it until it's really bad. So we're going to try her on some anti-steroidal meds to see if we notice any difference in her behavior. But other than that, for being a 12 year old lab, she is super healthy! She doesn't struggle with any of the typical lab ailments, and she is pretty spry for her age. Those kiddos are keeping her young :)

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