Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Aiden :: 10 Months


Sweet boy, we are getting way too close to your first birthday! I am already in disbelief that it's time to start thinking about/planning for your first birthday party...where did this year go?? You are officially mobile and into ALL the things. You are exploring everything you possibly can, and you get frustrated when you can't keep up with everyone. You light up when you hear your brother and sister and when you see your Daddy. I'm still holding out that you will be a Mama's boy, but you just love your whole family so much. You are still growing like crazy, and we field A LOT of comments about you being a big boy. But you are an absolute joy, and we love every bit of you {every single adorable baby roll}!



Stats :: 26.4 pounds

Clothing/Diaper Size :: you are wearing size 18 and 24 month {some 2T} clothes and size 4 diaper {with size 5 overnight diapers}

Loves :: eating solids, playing with the big kids, playing in the water {including Sasha's water bowl}

Dislikes :: being left behind, being hot, having your diaper changed

Eat :: you discovered a whole new world of food this month, buddy! you tried turkey, french fries, tomatoes, meatballs, grapes, watermelon, shredded cheese, cottage cheese, applesauce, pasta, and eggs. you do pretty good with only 1.5 teeth! you are starting to drop some of your bottle feedings, but there's nothing super consistent yet. but that's ok, because we need to start weaning you from the bottle anyway. we gave you a cup with water to try, and you figured it out in about a week's time. 

Sleep :: you are still sleeping like a champ at night. we finally took you out of your sleep suit {something that was probably 2 months overdue...think fat guy in a little coat haha}, and you adjusted fairly quickly. naps seem to be a little tougher, as you are waking up at that 45 minute mark again, but you can usually put yourself back to sleep. you are still holding on strong to that morning nap, and then take about a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. we are messing with your nap schedule for the next few weeks because of your brother and sister's swim lessons, so we'll see how that changes things.

Play/Development :: you are FINALLY crawling! and you are now into everything haha. you are still not rolling over, which is just so funny to me. if you end up on your back, you are like a stranded turtle until someone comes to turn you over :)  so you're still sleeping on your back, which is fine, as long as you comfortable, dude! you are trying to pull up on furniture, but don't seem to have much interest in standing right now. I realized I was lacking in using sign language with you, so I have started to incorporate that more, since you're not really communicating or saying much yet {other than crying when you want something}. you are definitely experiencing separation anxiety, so I can't go too far from you for too long.

Unique to You :: you have entered into what I am calling a "screeching phase." and I have to say that it's not my favorite haha. at the most random times, you will just screech at the top of your lungs. sometimes you're upset and voicing your displeasure, but a lot of times, you are just being LOUD. you definitely can't sit quietly with us in church anymore. you do this funny little dance where you sit on your knees and flap your arms haha...but you also clap your feet, so you are just a funny little guy.

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