Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Unexpected Test Results

So I had been struggling with a few postpartum issues, so I went in to see my OB. Everything ended up checking out fine on that end, but when she got the blood work back, my prolactin levels were high again. This had come up before, but my RE had just given me medication and we proceeded with our transfers. Apparently my levels were high enough to warrant an MRI.

I really didn't think it was a big deal and that the MRI was a bit of overkill. Mainly because I wasn't having any symptoms related to high prolactin levels. But Mike convinced me it wouldn't hurt to just have it done to put everyone's mind at ease. He's always right :)

I went in, and it was no big deal. I have had an MRI before, so it was actually relaxing to have about 45 minutes to myself, enjoying some praise and worship music. I left thinking my insurance company just paid a lot of money {I have already met my deductible for the year} for nothing.

Well, today I got a call with my results, and it was definitely not what I expected. They found a pituitary macroadenoma. Basically, a tumor on my pituitary gland. And it's large enough {macro} that I need to go see a neurosurgeon to figure out what's next. 

Any time the word "tumor" is thrown around, that's scary. Especially if it's a brain tumor. The good news is that, again, I am not having any symptoms from it. I mean, fatigue is on the list, but I have Crohn's Disease and 5.5 month old twins...of course I'm tired :)  I do get migraines every now and then, but they are not constant, and I can usually get rid of it with some tylenol and rest. So other than that, I am not having any problems with my vision or hormones. 

So while it sounds really scary, it's likely that it is not that bad. 99% of these types of tumors are non cancerous, and are easily treatable. I'm hoping for the medication route, but I may have to have surgery. When I go to see the neurosurgeon, we will have a better idea of what's ahead. 

So there's that. Sigh. Just add it to the list of health issues I constantly have to deal with. Y'all, my body is falling apart! Ugh.

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