Thursday, July 2, 2015

Embryo Adoption :: Lining Check

I have been taking Estrace in increasing amounts for 2 weeks now. Today we went in for a lining check. Basically, we had to determine if the medication was working to prepare my body for a transfer. Today would determine whether we move on to the next step of our journey.

My doctor said my lining was 7.5mm triple stripe - perfect and ready for a transfer! So on July 10 {8 days from now}, we will transfer our first 2 little ones! :)

My doctor said that my endometriosis was already coming back; she seemed frustrated by this, especially since I had the surgery to remove it back in January, and just a few weeks ago my repeat hysteroscopy seemed clear. She said it seemed like I have an aggressive form of endometriosis {of course I do!}. Good news is that it won't affect a transfer. Bad news is that I will have to have another surgery in the future. Blast.

Today we also received training for the dreaded PIO {Progesterone in Oil} shots. I will take these intramuscular shots every day until our pregnancy test, and if we get a positive, then every day for 10-12 weeks of the pregnancy. My rear will become a pin cushion, and it won't feel awesome, but you can bet I will do whatever I need to do in order to keep our little ones safe and growing!

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