Saturday, May 2, 2009

Moving In and Getting Settled

This past weekend, I moved into my new apartment! I had such amazing help- my parents came into town to lend a hand, and my brother and his friends lent their muscles and servant's hearts to help get me moved in. Everything went so smoothly- God held off the rain, it didn't take as long as we had expected, and I even got the comment that I "really didn't have that much stuff." Haha. That's definitely a first. Maybe they were just trying to be nice...

I wish I was writing a post to show you my new place....but alas, I am not. Sigh. This whole unpacking business is for the birds, and frankly, too much like work! But I am working away just as quickly as I can and promise to post pics once everything is in its place :)

When I was in the process of finding a new apartment, I had promised Sasha that I would buy her a new bed for our new place. And as promised (as though my dog knows the difference), I bought her one. However, she didn't seem to know what it was, and didn't seem very interested in it. I was really disappointed, because I had all these fun thoughts of her lounging by the fireplace on her nice new bed. Haha. Even when I tried to lure her onto the bed, she didn't seem to take to it. But today, after several days of ignoring it, she finally made herself comfortable!

On a random note, my dog fights me every time it's time to go into her kennel whenever I leave. I usually have to lure her in with a treat, mostly to just save me time and from running around my apartment chasing her in my work clothes. Yet lately, she has been going into her kennel on her own, when I am not leaving, but just hanging out in the apartment. I was busy unpacking today and walked into the room to find this:

How is this in any way normal??? Lol! Oh Sasha...gotta love her.

My sweet friend Laura came over last night to help me with some unpacking. Actually, it was more like I walked back and forth moving things here and there, and she was sweet enough to follow me and keep me company. I was super excited, because she had brought me housewarming presents! Check out the fun gifts she gave me:

Laura said that I needed serving dishes for all of the fun parties I am going to have in my new apartment! I LOVE my new 3-tier serving dish!

She also brought me these fun little glass serving cups. We talked about putting fun desserts in them, and I decided to make Jell-O...LOL. I had a craving, don't judge. And Laura- yes, I did wash these before I used them :) Thanks for my fun (and thoughtful) gifts! Tonya came over today to see my new apartment, and it was a good time catching up with her.

I am so grateful for this weekend, and am really enjoying the rain outside! Whenever we have huge thunderstorms like we are having now, it reminds me of how awesome our God is! How cool is He to put on such a wonderful display of power and strength. I spent some time today watching the light show, resting in the awesome presence of my God. And the rain always make me feel peaceful. One of my most favorite things is to fall asleep to the I am off to do just that. Good night everyone!

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