Monday, October 31, 2022

Trick or Treat :: A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

Mommy went all out on the DIY costumes last year, but I didn't have quite as much time this year. But I was just thankful the kids let me convince them to do another family costume haha! I don't know if I will get any more family costumes out of them, so I'm thankful for at least one more year :)

This year's theme: Cinderella!

Maddie {obviously} wasn't hard to convince. But I couldn't get either of my boys to be Prince Charming. They were, however, excited to be Jaq and Gus Gus! They both think the mice in Cinderella are hilarious, so they thought it was the most fun thing to dress up as the silly mice. So that meant Daddy got to be Maddie's Prince Charming {super cute and fitting}, and Mommy got to be the Fairy Godmother. 

Maddie LOVED being Cinderella to her Prince Charming! She loved it even more when she got to dance with him. Queue all the Mama tears!

Gus Gus wanted a picture with Prince Charming too ;)

Preparing to embody their characters haha

While most of our costumes were pieced together from Amazon, Etsy, or Little Adventures {the most adorable dress up!}, I was able to pull out my sewing machine to make the boys' mouse ears and tails :)

He's such a goof!

I watched a few Pinterest videos to see if I could pull off some Cinderella hair...definitely not ballerina-worthy, but not too shabby for a first try...and it stayed the whole night, so I call that a WIN! Maddie loved everything about her costume...from her dress and hair to her gloves and slippers. She really did make an adorable little Cinderella :)

We were not sure if we would get rained out, but it held off just enough for us to fill our buckets! We were able to go trick or treating with our friend C again this year, and the kids had a BLAST. Though, toward the end, Aiden became the first kid ever to say, "I'm tired of getting candy" haha!

We're thankful for a fun neighborhood and the ability to be out with our neighbors. The kids have already started talking about next year :)

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