Friday, April 3, 2020

Social Distancing :: Day 22

Today the original stay at home order was supposed to expire, but they have now been extended through the end of the month {and Dallas County until the end of May, so I'm sure the dominos will continue to fall}. I know this is the reality of where we are, but it's still so surreal and sobering to hear. 

Yesterday was actually the first time I left our neighborhood in 21 days {so crazy}. I took a drive to pickup some medications for me and Sasha, armed with my Lysol wipes and hand sanitizer, of course :)  I didn't actually leave my car, but I was just so thankful to be OUT. There was still a surprising amount of traffic, but it was strange to see empty parking lots around stores and restaurants. 

Moving Everything Online
I am so thankful that we have the technology to "meet" together online. It's definitely not the same, but how incredible is it that we live in a time when we can still "see" each other, while safely social distancing? This was our first full week of moving most of our normal activities online: from church and community group to Bible Study and Skype/FaceTime sessions with family.

Haha- this is a very typical preaching stance for Zach :)

I was wrangling the kiddos and didn't get to enjoy the time with our Community Group, but we have been making every effort to connect throughout the week

I am so thankful for these wonderful ladies in my BSF group. And they are even posting videos with the children's story and songs that I got to sit and watch with the kiddos. They definitely miss their teachers and friends!

Potty Training Update
Just thought I'd give a quick far, not too bad. We have had 2 accident-free days {though not back-to back yet}, and overall, Eli and Maddie are seeming to get into the new routine. We still haven't ventured further than our yard {so no walks for us the past week}, but I'm hoping we can try that soon. I have been surprised with how quickly Eli has caught on, simply because he was the one that had shown zero interest in potty training before we started. I have not been surprised at all with how my Maddie girl has responded...she's doing well, but like any strong-willed child, she comes with her own set of special challenges :)  But overall, they're doing well. I have just decided that I hate the whole potty training process. It's just so time-consuming and inconvenient and inefficient haha. Thank goodness we don't have to be anywhere anytime soon. 

We have used a modified 3-day method. They were naked for the first 2 days, but both of my kiddos HATED that. My little modest kids were so uncomfortable with that. So we skipped the commando step and went straight to underwear. And they did so much better with that. And they are even wearing pants now. No pull-ups for us {they're just more expensive, and we still have diapers to use at nap and bedtime}. We also haven't used a reward system {no M&M's or stickers}, but we have talked a lot about not going potty in their Mickey and Minnie underwear {respectively}. But don't worry- they get lots of praise and potty dances when they go in the potty :)

It is pretty interesting potty training two at the same can easily become a competition of who gets to go potty first, who gets to flush the toilet when they go one right after the other, etc. But I think it has actually worked to our advantage to have them both learning at the same time. They tell each other "we don't go pee-pee in our underwear" and will even sometimes encourage each other too. Aiden is there the whole time, watching, trying to stick his hand in the toilet, or climb up the stool to try to wash his hands too. Maybe he'll get potty trained soon too!

More Outside Time
Since we have needed to stick close to a toilet during potty training, we haven't been on any walks this week, but we have done our best to get a lot of outside time. We pulled out our bubble mowers, and that has been really fun. Aiden got to play with Maddie's old broken one, but he's too smart. He quickly figured out his wasn't making any bubbles and didn't like that too much #littlebrotherproblems

Bubble mower races...

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