Sunday, April 26, 2020

Social Distancing :: Day 45

I feel like this week has felt full and even busy, despite our quarantine. There's never a lack of activity with 3 little ones, but I feel like we had enough variation in our routine this week to make it feel a little less mundane and daunting. It's crazy to think we are starting out 7th week in lockdown mode...

Working from Home
I am still working part time from home, so nothing has really changed for me in this season of social distancing. Many of my colleagues are now working from home, but otherwise, my role has been unaffected. This past week was crazy, because there were 2 board meetings for which I helped prepare, and it's the end of the quarter, so everything is naturally more busy. But I just do my best to work around the chaos, and the kiddos have learned to {sort-of} roll with it. As always, I'm just grateful that my job doesn't include a lot of video or conference calls :)

This week was also Administrative Professionals Day, and I received a sweet delivery from the executives! I am so thankful how the Lord provided this job 8 years ago. And all through a conversation at Starbucks! My boss's wife was a customer where Mike worked as a barista, and she was so kind to ask how she could pray for us. Mike mentioned the need for a closer job for me...and rest is history! It has been such a blessing for us, and I have loved serving alongside the executives. I truly have the utmost respect for the leadership, and I am just so thankful that I can still be a part of the team, even working remotely now for almost 5 years.

Quarantine Birthdays
Mike and my moms' birthdays are back to back, and we were able to celebrate them both in fun ways this year. We were able to do a drive-by birthday parade for Granny, since she is in town. Everyone loaded into their cars and drove by to drop off cake and gifts, and chat a bit from a distance. Granny was surprised, and loved getting to see her crew, even if she couldn't give them hugs.

We were able to do TWO birthday Zoom calls with my mom {the first was a last minute call since my brother had a change in his work schedule. The second was so my Dad could join and celebrate with us}. My mom didn't have any objections to talking with her people twice in a day :)

Since we couldn't be with/near my mom this year, we had some chocolate covered strawberries delivered to her door. A good way to provide a sweet gift, while abiding by all the social distancing rules. We'll just have to celebrate even bigger next year!

At Home Haircuts
Mike asked me to buzz his hair, which is something that I have done several times before. It's less scary than actually cutting it, but it still makes me nervous every time. It's why I have so much anxiety about cutting my boys' hair. I envision chili bowl haircuts, or mullets, or something equally terrifying. Hence, Aiden's crazy hair :)

Maddie's hair had gotten pretty long, and I somehow felt more confident in trimming her hair. I guess I thought mistakes on her hair would be less noticeable?? So I set her up to watch Daniel Tiger and set to work. Turns out it's not quite as hard as I imagined it to be, and {thankfully} mistakes are less noticeable. Granted, I only meant to give her a trim, and she now has a proper little girl short-hair cut, but it definitely could have been worse haha. Thankfully no one can look too closely right now. And she doesn't sit still long enough for you to really see it anyway. And yes...those layers in the back were on purpose. {Not really, but we're going with it}.

We waited a week and then I decided it was finally time to buzz the boys' hair. I figured that would be less likely to mess up, that we could live with buzz cuts for awhile. Eli was up first, ready to have a haircut "just like Daddy's." 

And then it was Aiden's turn. He didn't do so well with his first or second haircuts, which is partly why we have just been letting it grow. And then we discovered his adorable red curls, which is another reason I have not wanted to cut his hair. But was WAY past time. Poor kid couldn't see and ended up a sweaty mess after being outside for 5 minutes. And this time, he just hopped up onto the chair and sat {pretty} still while Mike ran the clippers through his hair. He wasn't phased by it at all! I think he was so proud to be sitting in the chair like a big boy, and having a haircut like Daddy and big brother.

And I basically haven't stopped crying since...because he looks SO BIG. Like a proper little boy, not my little baby with the mess of curls on his head. I'll just be over here, crying, waiting for those precious curls to grow back...

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