Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Toddler School!

We started our own Toddler School! :)

I have wanted to have some more structured learning activities for Eli and Maddie, so over the summer I started planning our "school" year. I picked a theme for each week, and we have songs, books, and a craft and/or activity to match. Thank you, Pinterest for the plethora of ideas!

Let me be clear...this is an overly simplified curriculum. I have plans for 2 days a week, though I try to incorporate our theme into conversations throughout the week. Most of our activities take about 10-20 minutes total. Sometimes Eli and Maddie are all in {they even ask to do "Toddler School"}. But most of the time they are wandering off and far from focused. And usually Aiden is tearing up or eating whatever we are working on...or yelling too loud for anyone to hear anything haha. So it's certainly not the organized Toddler School of my planner-heart dreams. But I like having planned and structured activities, and Eli and Maddie enjoy learning new things! 

And just when I think I'm just talking to myself, they will answer a question exactly right, or they will bring up a random piece of information that we learned the week before. And it reminds me that they are learning something. Plus, it keeps us a little more focused during the day, which is a win for us!

Of course, we're only a few weeks in, so we'll see how things are going in a couple of months :)

First day of Toddler School!

Themes for the Fall Semester:
All About Me

Basics for the Fall Semester:
Letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I J, K
Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Seasons/Holidays: Fall, Reformation, Thanksgiving, Advent/Christmas
Colors: Yellow, Orange, Brown, Red
Shapes: Circle, Triangle, Square, Star

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