Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Book Review :: Risen Motherhood

I had the opportunity to be on the launch team for the Risen Motherhood book! Laura introduced me to the R|M podcast when Eli and Maddie were born. As a new mama, I was exhausted, overwhelmed, and desperately trying to find time to spend with Jesus. Gone {for now} were the days of spending quiet, extended {consistent} time in the Word. Or so it seems too often right now in this season of littles. This podcast was a lifesaver for me. It was such an encouragement to my weary heart, providing ideas on how to fit in time with Jesus, while encouraging me in my role as a mama to little ones. The whole premise of the podcast is to offer gospel hope to moms, and I highly recommend it. 

So when they announced that they were publishing a book and looking for people to join the launch team, I signed up! :)

This book is saturated with the gospel, which is something that every Christian needs, every Christian Mama needs. Motherhood is amazing and wonderful, but it's also challenging, exhausting, and just plain hard at times. In the midst of babies not sleeping, laundry, feeding our families, choosing the right education, etc., we can lose sight of our Savior and the gospel. This book reminds us of the redeeming work of Christ on the cross, and how that shapes every facet of our lives, even the everyday moments in motherhood.

Emily and Laura walk the reader through varying topics including, our heart attitudes, life transitions, mundane moments, and even some specifics like childbirth, postpartum, food choices, and family traditions. Each chapter follows a gospel pattern: creation, the fall, redemption, and consummation and how it relates to each topic. It was helpful for me to be reminded of how God created things to be, how sin destroys, but how gracious God is to redeem the brokenness and show His glory in the specifics of our everyday lives. This book offers so much hope as we trudge through the mundane of the everyday and walk through the brokenness of this world. 

I will say, that if you are a podcast listener, there is nothing new in this book. But it was a nice compilation of several podcasts in one place. And I really do think every mama should read this book! It's one of the good parenting books to reference on a regular basis.

Some of my favorite quotes:
  • {The gospel is} the biggest theme in Scripture- simple enough for the ears of a toddler and deep enough for a lifetime of scholarly research {adapted from Saint Augustine's quote "The Bible is shallow enough for a child not to drown, yet deep enough for an elephant to swim."}
  • God loves us too much to let us be comfortable and unscathed.
  • The Holy Spirit provides what you need to be patient, kind, loving, long-suffering, faithful, gentle toward your husband, children, and others around you. He allows you to see that motherhood isn't just made up of long days and tedious work- motherhood is made up of a million tiny moments for worship.

The book releases today, so be sure to grab your copy!

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