Friday, April 27, 2018

Checking In on Aiden

Today I had another OB appointment to check in on our sweet baby boy! It should have been just a quick in and out with my doctor, but she had also wanted to do an extra ultrasound to check on my placenta {they found what looked like placental cysts last month}.

Good news is that our boy is growing really well and is super active! We didn't get good photos this time, but it was fun to see him move around and be silly. He kept kicking against the ultrasound wand and waving hello :)  

Heart Rate: 141 bpm
Weight: 1 pound, 2 ounces
Measuring: 22 weeks + 3 days {I am 22 weeks + 1 day}

And even better news? No placental cysts! Apparently they were never cysts, to begin with...they are placental lakes. They are basically enlarged spaces in the placenta filled with blood, and they are considered normal. They will continue to watch them and make sure Aiden is growing ok, but they seemed less concerned about lakes than cysts. So there you go! Who knew?

He is still breach, but there is still plenty of time for him to turn...but I wonder if he's going to pull a Maddie and stay in the "wrong" position until the last minute... I'd rather he didn't keep us on the edge of our seats, but we'll just have to wait and see what he does!

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