Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Embryo Adoption :: Virginia to Texas!

Today we got a completely unexpected but sweet surprise! Not only had our sweet babies shipped, but they are actually already snug and safe in our clinic! We got the call today that they had arrived in our clinic this morning, and the embryologist confirmed they were safe and ready for our transfer cycle. They had come all the way from Virginia, a little bit of a further trek than our previous embryos. 

Our embryos are stored in a cryopreservation tank, and they were shipped essentially via Fed Ex. There's more to it than that {dry nitrogen shipper, cryogenic safe temperature, etc}, but they shipped overnight. My dad is pretty fascinated by the whole process :)

I had a fleeting moment where I was a little sad that I didn't even know they were traveling so I could be praying for their safe journey. But when we shared the fun news with our close circle, every one of them said they had been praying! Of course, they didn't know they were traveling either, but it was such a comfort to hear how our little army of prayer warriors have been lifting us up through this whole process. 

The sad moment passed and was completely overshadowed by the joy and excitement of our news. This process was SO much less stressful than the last time, and we were just marveling over how much more quickly everything happened this time. Last time {from contract legalization to arriving in our clinic}, it took 76 days. This time? 8 days. We feel so very thankful tonight!

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