Thursday, January 2, 2014

2013 Book List Update

So remember when I talked about accomplishing everything on my resolutions list? That was a good, satisfying post...

I also made a reading list for the year, and I have to admit that I didn't fair as well with that one...I read a grand total of 3 on the list. And there were only 10 total haha. I just couldn't find the time; or rather, I chose not to make the time. Sigh.

I read The Church Planting Wife by Christine Hoover and LOVED it. I am so glad I read this one, and it was a privilege to be a part of her launch team. I HIGHLY recommend this book to all church planting wives, as well as anyone who knows a church planting wife. I wrote a review here, if you're interested.

I also read Emotional Fitness: Developing a Wholesome Heart, by David Furguson & Don McMinn. This was required reading for our residency with Christ Fellowhsip, so I had to read that one ;) While I understood the reason for assigning this book, and it had a lot of helpful information in it, it wasn't my most favorite, and not one I would necessarily recommend.

It took me the whole year, but I also read Grace, by Max Lucado. I have always enjoyed his books, and this one was an encouraging read. Despite how long it took me to finish it, it actually is a quick read :)

While I only read 3 from my list, I read 1 additional one that wasn't on the original list...I read For the City: Proclaiming and Living Out the Gospel by Darrin Patrick and Matt Carter. Mike asked our group to read it as we anticipated the next steps in our church plant. I really enjoyed it, and it got me excited about how the Lord was building His church!

So I read 4 books. All year. {5 if you count the Bible!} Hey, that's better than none, right? :) It's really rather pathetic, especially considering that my sweet friend Amy read like a thousand books. She's such an inspiration. {For the record, she actually read 53...that's a book a week! I have a lot to learn from her...}

While I know I won't read quite that many, my one goal for 2014 is to read more books. Mike has a ton of books to choose from on his book shelf, so I will just choose what I will read next based on what is floating my fancy at the time. If I can accomplish 5 things on a list, surely I can accomplish this one??  :)

1 comment:

  1. One thousand books?! That's a great idea! I just need about 16 more years to get there...looks like you are the one doing the inspiring :)
