Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Thought for Thursday

I read this book {Crazy Love} a few years ago, and I would highly recommend it if you haven't had a chance to read it. It really challenged me to take an inventory of my heart and examine how I live my life for Jesus.

I came across this quote from the book the other day, and I was reminded of how our lives really shouldn't make sense to an unbelieving world. If I truly grasped the depth of God's love for me- His radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love- then that should change everything. The way I live, love, and serve. The choices I make. How I spend my time, money, and energy.

It makes me stop and I look more like Jesus or more like the world? Does my life look crazy, different, and even strange at times to unbelievers? Not just for the sake of being different, but because I choose to live by a different set of rules, for a higher purpose, and more specifically, a higher Person. Or do I look pretty much the same?


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