Friday, July 1, 2011

Hello Wedding Month :)

Today marks the first day of our wedding month! :) It's hard to believe that it's finally here. Back in December, July seemed forever far away. And now it's here!! 

Back in April, I began the crazy countdowns...many of them have passed, but now I can shorten some...

90  3 days until July 4th (and my other work holiday)
97  10 days until Nicki arrives and the wedding week festivities begin!!
98   11 days until my Bachelorette Party
100   13 days until Rehearsal Dinner
101   14 days until our WEDDING!
103   16 days until we're in Cancun :)

I do have a number of things to wrap up at work before I can leave for 2 weeks, so I would appreciate prayers in getting all of it done. I would get married right after quarter end haha. Someone asked me the other day how I was feeling about how busy things are with work and the wedding. My answer: It just doesn't matter anymore how busy things are or how little sleep I am getting. I'm WAY too excited to be stressed out or tired at this point :)



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