Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Single Digits

As my dear friend Nicki I get to start counting in SINGLE digits :)

days! :)

Last night we met with Scott and Nicole for our last "session" before the wedding. We enjoyed some yogurt with their adorable kids and then spent some time in prayer. As we went before the Lord with these sweet friends, I was reminded of how incredibly blessed we have been. How blessed we are to have a couple who would sacrifice their time to mentor us. How blessed we are to even get to celebrate with a fun wedding and a honeymoon. How blessed we are to have so many friends and family who love and support us. We're so excited!! :)


1 comment:

  1. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO excited!!!! It hasn't felt real until now -- maybe because I've been so removed up in VA until this point. But now I cannot believe I am flying to Dallas in just a few days to watch you get MARRIED!!!!!!!! I am so excited to be a part of this moment in your life -- thank you for that amazing blessing!!! :)
