Sunday, March 1, 2009

Influx of Interviews

So many of you know that I am still on the job hunt, waiting to finally be able to count myself "employed" again. Despite the fact that I am starting month 4 of my search, I have to admit that I have had a ridiculous amount of interviews. Considering the state of the economy, with continued announcements of layoffs and cutbacks, and considering the niche industry that I have chosen for my career...I have had more interviews in the past 2 months than I had the entire 6 months after graduation! When I really sat down to think about it, I really couldn't believe it! At the very core, it really is a testament to God's sovereignty. My God is so much bigger than the economy and the supposed woes that our country faces. And the truth remains that anything and everything comes from Him. His timing is perfect, and when He wants me to have a job, He will provide it- regardless of what is going on around me.
At first glance, I would be apt to start wondering about my interview abilities- haha. So many offers. Hmmm...might make you question, right? Like, am I really that bad at interviews? Do I really say that many dumb things? I mean, sometimes I do, but I have seen God open and close doors for various reasons, and it has been (while hard) an exciting journey to watch His hand move in my life. I really believe that God has provided the mass quantity of interviews as a source of encouragement to me. He knew the darkness I walked through when I didn't receive any interviews after graduation, and I think this time around He is reminding me that He is working and that He has everything under control. He is reminding me that He directs the plans of my life, not the economy, not my resume or interview skills, not employers or the job process. God is in control. I feel so lucky to have been able to see some of the reasons that God has led me in the directions He has, lucky to see some of why He has closed certain doors. And it makes me all that more excited for what He will provide!
This could be wishful thinking, but I feel as though my time is close. I feel as though I might even know this week. I have a second interview with a company on Tuesday, and I have a good feeling about this one. Of course, I have had "good feelings" before, and I could just be willing the circumstances to work themselves's been a long process, don't judge me. I could be wrong. But as I have walked in this process, I am finally starting to learn to follow His leading and trust His plan. I wish I could say I have mastered this process, but I fear I have allowed my flesh to interfere too often. I fear I am a slow learner...sigh. But God is good, and thankfully does not give up on people like me. He still wants to continue the molding process.
Please continue praying for direction and discernment. I really hope to be celebrating God's amazing provision by the end of this week. How awesome would that be?!?! But if He chooses to close this door too, I am confident that He will continue leading me toward the job He has had waiting for me all along. And if He says "no" to this job too, I can rejoice in God's perfect plan and continued provision despite the lack of a stable job. He is good all the time!

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