Sunday, December 29, 2019

Embryo Adoption :: Our Journey {2019}

As I mentioned last year, the journey to building our family has come to an end. But there is still so much left to write in our Embryo Adoption story! We are now in the thick of parenting 3 snowflake children. We have shared their unique story with them since they were tiny babies, but even now at 3 years old, Eli and Maddie are starting to put together pieces of their story. I am trying to prepare myself for the questions that are inevitably coming!

Here are a few posts I wrote this year, that relate to Embryo Adoption...

April 3, 2019: The Beauty of a Snowflake {we got to share our story on our agency's website}

October 15, 2019: Carried for a Moment 

November 25, 2019: Embryo Adoption Awareness Day {list of children's books about embryo donation/adoption}


I may not have as many links as in prior years, but more of our time now is spent on parenting, and not specifically the journey of building our family. So while Embryo Adoption is a big part of our kids' stories, it is only a part of their story. There will inevitably be conversations that are unique to our kids only, but right now we get the joy of just being parents. And that is the most incredible gift that Embryo Adoption has given to us.

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