Friday, March 29, 2019

High Five for Friday!

{one} I'm back, and I am all caught up on my past posts. I backdated the posts, so you can scroll down below to see updates on our Spring Bucket List and Aiden's 7 Month post :)

After my computer bit the dust, I was able to order a new one {thank you, tax refund!} While I hate making large purchases like that, I am thankful that my last computer lasted almost 8 years. I tried everything I could to squeeze just a little bit more time out of it, but was time. I do have to say that it IS rather nice to be able to use a laptop computer as an actual laptop {meaning: portable}. For the past couple of years, I have refused to replace the battery, so it had to stay plugged in all the time. But I don't go anywhere, so that wasn't a big deal. And recently we have had weird electrical issues in our living room, so anytime I plug my computer in while the lights are on and the TV is running, I trip the breaker. So I basically can use my computer in my bedroom. ALL that to's nice to have a laptop that doesn't have to be plugged into the wall all the time so I can use it anywhere in my house :)

{two} In the time that I have been without a computer, my children have decided they are going to go through an "I would rather be naked" stage. That's right. Strip down and remove their diapers. Help each other take off their clothes/diapers and then giggle incessantly. There is nothing more disconcerting than having non-potty-trained toddlers running around without diapers. So there has been a lot of time-out in our house this past week. 

"Maddie, where is your diaper?" < Runs her tiny hiney to the other side of the house to get it >

We also had the unthinkable poop incident. Maddie came around the corner saying, "stinky! stinky poop." There was poop on the floor. On the walls. ON ELI. No one prepares you for this part of motherhood. And it's AWFUL. And while the photo and poop story involve Maddie, don't think Eli is innocent. He is actually the one that started this whole mess and is just as guilty. After that incident, we made it almost 2 full days with all our clothes on, so I was tricked into thinking we had moved on. Toddlers. Are. Crazy.

{three} It's things like #2 {haha- didn't even notice the pun, but how mature am I to (a) be laughing at it, and (b) leaving it instead of re-numbering my post?}...anyway. It's things like the craziness of the naked stage that are going to give me gray hairs. Oh, but wait....I found THAT this week too! Yep. I have my first gray/silver hair, nice and thick and right up in front. Hello, old-ladyhood!

{four} Today I had lunch with some sweet co-workers! It was the first time they had met Aiden {because it's the first time I have been brave enough to manage lunch with all 3 kiddos by myself}, and I am just so thankful for them. I miss being in the office with them every day, but I am so grateful that we are still able to connect via email and every now and then for lunch. They are an incredible blessing to me, and I am thankful they are willing to enter into my crazy in the middle of their busy work days :)

{five} Grandma is coming to town!! My mom is flying in this weekend to spend some time with us, and we are really looking forward to having several days with her. I have been counting down the days to her arrival because my children turn into perfect angels when she arrives. Not really, but they do love Grandma, and she is the perfect distraction for a couple of mischievous toddlers!

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