Wednesday, March 13, 2019

A Day in the Life :: 2 Year Old Twins + a 6.5 Month Old

When Eli and Maddie were 6.5 months old, I blogged about what a typical day looked like in our life. Now that Aiden is 6.5 months old, I thought I would try it again! Reading the old post, it was a fun trip down memory lane to see what life was like almost 2 years ago. It was crazy trying to manage/juggle 2 babies! But just like I predicted back we're just living a different kind of crazy :)

Our days are still fairly scheduled, but I use that term a little more loosely now that we have three little ones under 3 years old. It is probably more fitting to say that our days are fairly routine. It's just harder to keep everyone on the exact same schedule timing-wise right now, but that's ok. It's actually better than it was 3 months ago, and better than I expected. {Look at me, Type-A Mama, growing a little bit haha}

So here we go {again}. Brace yourself; it's LONG haha. Our days can definitely feel pretty long. A day in the life of a mama with 2 year old twins and a 6.5 month old...

I am up and getting ready to start the day. I let Sasha outside and feed her breakfast, then get Aiden's bottle ready. During the week, I get little man up for the day, and Mike gets the twins. On the weekends, we switch :)

Aiden is usually already awake and ready for me to get him. This morning, he woke up around 5:45am for a bit, so when I went to get him at 7:15am, I had to wake him up. 

But it didn't take him long to put on that happy boy smile that he has every morning when he gets up :)

I change his diaper and then feed him his morning bottle while Mike gets the twins up and settled for breakfast. 

We say good-bye to Daddy as he heads off to work, and then we read our Bible story during breakfast. We are working our way through Play Through the Bible, and Eli and Maddie love reading their Bible every morning!

Aiden "eats" breakfast with us too. He LOVES bananas and will actually eat it. Everything else we have tried he just kind of pushes around and makes a mess. He'll eat it if I feed it to him, but he's still working on feeding himself. But he seems to have the banana down :)

Most days, I clean up from breakfast and it's time for the kiddos to play! If I need to vacuum, I will usually try to do it during this time, since Aiden is awake. Eli and Maddie like to help, which basically means opening up the closet door to help me get the vacuum out, and then running up to and away from the vacuum, playing like it's going to get them haha. 90% of the time, I end up having to vacuum with Aiden on my hip, so then it turns in to a workout :)

I will usually get a load of laundry started, and I always have helpers for that too! I hate making large purchases, particularly of the household kind, but getting the bigger washer and dryer was the BEST decision. I know it's only going to serve us even better as the kiddos grow.

Aiden will usually take another bottle before his nap. He likes to hold his bottle...for about 30 seconds, and then he's content with letting me hold it for him. But during this feeding, he has also decided he doesn't want to be held. He wants to lay flat on his back. Whatever makes you happy, baby boy.

This is also the time that Eli and Maddie tend to get into things. They know I am occupied, so they run off together to cause trouble. Almost every day. 

It's time for Aiden's morning nap! Eli and Maddie usually come to help, which translates to running into his room and jumping on his chair, until I tell them to stand by the door and help me sing. We're still working on staying put, so right now, it goes a little something like this: {as I am putting Aiden's sleep suit on, I sing} "Jesus loves me....Maddie, go stand by the door please...this I know, for the Bible tells me so, little ones...Eli please don't hit the Him belong, they are...guys, remember to listen and obey...weak, but he is strong..." you get the idea. Aiden just takes it all in stride, giggling at his brother and sister. I turn out the light, and he goes right to sleep.

While Aiden naps, this is my time with Eli and Maddie. We read books, play, do a craft or Bible activity that goes along with our Bible story. They will even workout with me! If we are going someplace {running errands, meeting someone for a play date or lunch}, then they will again "help" me get ready. They will come into my bathroom with me while I get dressed, and they will play in my closet. Then I will get them dressed and ready, so we can load up and leave as soon as Aiden wakes up.

Snack time! We usually will listen to our audio Bible during snack. And sometimes you just need to wear your hoodie while you eat your animal crackers :)

Aiden is up from his nap {more often these days around 10am}. If we're staying home, then it's more play time for everyone. If we're going out, I get Aiden dressed and ready and then load everyone up! I load Aiden in his car seat, and then he waits in the laundry room with Sasha while I load Eli and Maddie in the car. Then Aiden gets clicked into the car and we're ready to go!

When we go out, I usually meet someone at our destination, so I am meeting extra help {read: hands, eyes, ears, just another adult! haha} But today, I made the brave {or insane?} decision to run an errand by myself. No one else met me. It was just me and 3 under 3. It only took me 6.5 months to get up the courage to try haha. I mean, how bad could it be?? Well, it was raining, the Chick Fil A line was running super slow, and all 3 kiddos were upset about their own separate issue. I REGRET EVERYTHING. Haha! Just kidding, but I was definitely doubting myself at this point. But when I pulled up to the window, they said the drink I ordered was on them, so that was a fun surprise! Thank you, CFA :)

Aiden was hungry again when we pulled into the Target parking lot, so that meant sitting in the car to feed him before we went inside. Since it was raining, I didn't get him out to feed him in the front seat with me, so I sat on the center console and fed him over the seat. Because you do what you gotta do...

Aiden doesn't eat as much when we aren't at home, so it wasn't long before he was done and we headed inside the store. I am SUPER grateful for our triple stroller! All 3 kiddos love riding in it, and it makes life so much simpler. I can't shop for groceries with it, because the baskets don't fit that much, but I can pick up a few things. Everyone did really well, and we made it out of the store without too much commotion. We still get stares, but it comes with the territory of our little circus :)

Aiden gets another bottle before nap. If it sounds like he gets a lot of bottles, it's because he does! Eli and Maddie ate every 3 to 4 hours at this age. This little man eats way more often, just smaller amounts each time. Which can be tricky when we're out, but it's how he likes to eat, so we try to roll with it. Oh, and Maddie is always trying to help feed her little brother :)

Lunch Time! After I put Aiden down for his afternoon nap, I start getting lunch ready for Eli and Maddie. 99% of the time, they ask for "hot dog pickle." Which is turkey dogs and pickles. They don't get it every time, and I always try to even it out with veggies. But they are definitely a fan haha. 

After lunch, we get ready for nap and sit down to read our "special books." Basically I have a stack of books that are NOT board books hidden away so that they don't get torn or ruined. So I have started pulling out a few at a time to read before nap. It gives them something to look forward to and helps get them a little calmer for nap. I am so thankful that they still love taking naps. They go willingly, and often ask for a nap when it's time. HUGE blessing!

On the blessed occasion when all 3 babies are actually napping at the same time {like today!} then I have a small pocket of time to myself. I never know if it's going to be 30 minutes or 2 hours, so it's basically hustle time. I usually use the time to eat lunch {if I didn't get a chance to eat with the twins}, do work for the bank, get dinner prepped, blog, etc. 

Aiden is up from his nap! This is my one-on-one time with this cutie pie. I feed him and then we get to work on sitting up, tummy time. etc. Whatever we do, the time is always full of giggles, and I love it!

Eli and Maddie are up from nap, and they get another snack. Aiden also gets another bottle {surprise!}, and we usually talk about our Bible story and sing songs.

Aiden goes down for a short catnap before dinner, and the twins go into hyper-drive play. If I wasn't able to get dinner prepped earlier in the day, I do that now. It takes me twice as long because I am constantly having to stop and referee something

But there are also sweet moments like these, "hand, mama? walk, mama?" Yes, my baby loves, I will walk back and forth down the hallway holding your hand :)

Most days, we are just trying to survive until Daddy comes home. And that can be really tough. On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Mike doesn't get home until 6:15-6:30, so those can be long days. Everyone is tired, getting hungry, and just ready for the day to be over. But today, Daddy came home early, so it makes those last few minutes before bedtime a little easier. Eli and Maddie hear the door beep and know he's home, and they go running! It's pretty cute :)

Aiden is up from his catnap, met by his personal fan club :)

Time for dinner! Once we finish eating, we clean up the dishes and the toys from the day. Every time we make a mess, we have to clean it up! {the phrase we repeat to our children all the time, the one they will make fun of us for when they're older haha}

It's time for bath. Mike and I switch off each night. Tonight, he took Eli and Maddie in our bath, and I got little man in the other bathroom. Since he is not sitting completely on his own yet, we still do bath time separately. Eventually we will put all 3 in the same tub, but until then, we will switch off and get more individualized time.

He LOVES bath time and is just about the cutest little thing I have ever seen :)  After bath, he gets one last bottle before bed time. I love this time in the quietness of his nursery. It's a sweet time, as he snuggles in close and holds on to my finger as he winds down from the day. Definitely a contrast to the nights I do bath with the twins...that's a more fast-paced, spirited time before bed haha! 

seven-thirty to eight.
The twins are in bed by 7:30, and Aiden is in bed by 8pm. I usually will take a shower, fold laundry, do whatever work I wasn't able to get done during the day. Unless Mike is playing tennis, we usually have some time together. Recently we have been watching episodes of Everybody Loves Raymond and Buddy vs. Duff

eight-thirty to nine.
I'm usually in bed. I will usually read a little before I go to sleep, so sometimes I will make it to 9:30 or 10. But I am pretty tired at the end of the day, and I value my sleep haha. Because I have to wake up again and do it all over tomorrow :)


So this is a pretty good snap shot of our days. But what this doesn't show is all the non-scheduled things. Like getting snacks and meals ready, serving them, cleaning them up, planning them for the next day. Disciplining twin toddlers with time outs, playing referee between siblings, using varying moments as teachable moments. Teaching and reminding about manners and kindness and gentle hands. Reading books, eating imaginary pancakes, singing silly songs. Changing diapers, cleaning up spills, kissing boo-boos. Helping take pajamas off. And then helping put the same pajamas back on 5 minutes later, #becausetoddlers. Helping little people manage big emotions. So many emotions. Helping find the missing stuffed monkey that is right in front of them. Letting Sasha in and out. Confirming, "yes, Sasha poops outside." Over and over because they currently have a weird fascination with that fact.

Mama Life is hard work. It's always exhausting and often thankless. It can be mind-numbingly routine and frustratingly unexpected. The days ARE long, and I have no doubt the years will be short. The testing of limits and tantrums are enough to drive anyone mad, and I am constantly being pushed beyond my limits as I practice restraint, calm, and grace. I often feel inadequate and like I am just trying to survive the day, let alone being tasked with molding and shaping and discipling actual people. But I love my "job" and I am thankful the Lord has allowed me to stay home with my babies. That is such a gift, one I too often take for granted.

I want to remember these days, these long and crazy and exhausting days with 3 little ones under three. Because I have already blinked and Eli and Maddie are two! I want to remember their sweet little voices, their tiny hands in mine, and the way they play and discover their world together. How they laugh at toots and remember to grab their sibling's cup when they grab their own. How they want nothing more than to crawl into my lap, read a book, and "snuggle, mama?"


  1. Beautiful! You are a wonderful Mama & your 3 precious, smiling, loving, sweet, happy kiddos are a testimony of that. They are loved well!!
    Love you bunches!!

  2. You are amazing! Love this glimpse of a moment in time with your family.
