Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Aiden :: 7 Months


I find myself giving you all kinds of cutesy baby names...Squishy Face. Cuddle Bug. Chunk-O-Monk. Little Man. Sweet Boy. I can't seem to land on just one. And I just want to squeeze your baby cheeks {and your baby-roll-thighs}, hug you tight, kiss your face, and listen to your infectious giggle all day long...basically "eat you up, because I love you so!" Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you are the actual baby of the family, but whatever it is, you love it now, and I'm going to soak it up for as long as you will let me. I know I have said this every month...but it has been true since you were born: you are simply the happiest baby! You smile all the time, and now you giggle at almost everything, and we LOVE it. You are starting to voice more displeasure over things, but it doesn't last long, and you are right back to your happy self. We love seeing your little personality develop, and your brother and sister adore you. We love you so much, sweet boy!



Stats :: 23.4 pounds

Clothing/Diaper Size :: you are wearing size 12 month clothes {some 18 month pants with the legs rolled up} and size 4 diapers

Loves :: splashing in the tub, giggling with your sister, putting everything in your mouth

Dislikes :: being left alone, falling over onto your tummy

Eat :: you are still a good little eater, and you still space your bottles out for right after you wake up, and right before you go down. you don't do this during the day, but at night before bed, you can down 10 ounces without blinking an eye. which I am ok with, since it fills your belly to help you sleep through the night. this month, you tried peaches, carrots, apples, and peas. otherwise, we stuck with the foods we introduced to you last month. you love bananas the most, and you still don't seem overly interested in solid foods. but we will keep trying and giving you opportunities to practice.

Sleep :: you are still sleeping well through the night, and we didn't have any random middle of the night wake ups this month. at least not any in which you didn't put yourself right back to sleep. you can get up a little early, but most of the time, you either fall back asleep for a few more minutes or just babble in your crib until we come get you. you are still taking 3 naps about 75% of the time. the other 25%, you sleep a little longer at one of your other naps so we get too close to bed time for you to take that 3rd nap, but it can be a bit of a stretch to get you to make it. 

Play/Development :: you are sitting up super well! you can definitely still fall over, so we can't leave you without a soft place to land, but you can be pretty content to sit and play for long periods of time. you can reach for your toys and sit back up usually without any problems. you are just like your brother in your love for bouncing. you still have zero interest in being on your tummy and rolling...part of me is concerned, part of me isn't. we plan to focus more on that this month for sure. you have started giving full mouth, slobber kisses, which are cute, but super gross haha. you are babbling so much more, and we are starting to hear more "dadadadada" sounds, despite all my efforts and encouragement to get you to say "mamamamama." you are super ticklish and howl when we find the right tickle spot.

Unique to You :: every morning when I go to get you up for the day, you sneeze 4 to 5 times without fail. your sneezes are pretty cute, but I find it funny, because your sister had something similar for awhile too. also this month, you found your voice, and boy, is it LOUD. you can scream and yell at a level I haven't heard before {whether you're happy or upset}; it can be ear-piercing. I wasn't planning on leaving you in the nursery at church for another 6 months, but you just can't seem to contain yourself during the church service anymore, so your daddy and I end up out in the foyer with you every week. one sweet thing you have been doing at night: when I am holding you and giving you your bottle before bedtime, you will wrap your little fingers around mine, then wrap your little legs around my arm, kind of like a baby sloth haha. if that makes you happy, baby boy, I'm all for it, because I think it's just about the cutest {and funniest} thing ever :)

*This post was published after the fact, but I wanted to keep it "in order" of events for my own records/memories*

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