Friday, March 8, 2019

High Five for Friday!

Oh man...this has been A WEEK. Sickness has rocked our household, and the toddler tantrums have been at an all-time high. So to say that I am glad this week is over is probably an understatement. Parenting is hard. Yay for Friday! :)

{one} Because of all the sickness, I have been faithfully taking my daily dose of Emergen-C. I swear by this stuff! There's not a whole lot I can take, and I am often skeptical of marketed health promises. But every time my kiddos get sick, or I start to feel like I am getting a cold, I start drinking this daily. And I really think that it has helped minimize {or completely ward off} my cold symptoms. That's a HUGE win for someone who is immunocompromised! I also think that Jesus has just been incredibly gracious to me with my health recently. 

{two} Calling all Instant Pot lovers and gurus: I received an Instant Pot as a house-warming gift, but I didn't actually start using it until after Aiden was born. I'm not exactly Martha Stewart in the kitchen, so I am still trying to figure it out. I have learned that it's not quite as "instant" as I thought it would be. It's frustrating to me that most IP recipes do not disclose the actual amount of time a meal takes. Yes, something may cook for only 5 minutes...but that could be after 25 minutes of pressurizing. And then there could even be 25 more minutes of "natural release." So that "5 minute chicken" actually takes 55 minutes. And while we have found a couple of recipes that are decent, I haven't found anything that is just crazy good. Most of the meals are "eh." So what am I missing?? Please tell me the secrets!! I want to love it, but I am clearly missing something...

{three} Has anyone listened to the Hidden in My Heart lullaby albums? I don't know how I have just now discovered these scripture lullabies! These songs are so good and calming. I play the music while I am feeding Aiden his nighttime bottle before bed, and I pray that my kiddos hide these treasured truths in their hearts all their lives. When I am having a hard time falling asleep, or feel anxious, I listen to these albums. They're that good. I have all 3 albums; I like them all, but the first and third volumes are my favorites.

{four} My parents sent me an Amazon gift card for my birthday, and I used it to purchase a cold brew coffee maker. It's basically a mason jar with a filter on it, but it's fantastic! SO much easier than the funnel and paper coffee filter process I was using before haha. I really enjoy cold brew coffee and they don't make decaf at Starbucks, so I love that I can make it at home :)

{five} We have been in this house for almost a year, and with a new baby, and all my health craziness at the end of last year, we have been slow in being intentional with our neighbors. So with the new year, I have been trying to get to know some of them a little more, particularly the stay-at-home moms. I have had a few over for play dates, and I was able to take a meal to one who recently had a baby. We're waiting for the warmer weather, as it tends to drive people outdoors more {at least in this neighborhood}, but I am thankful for the relationships that are already starting to form. We don't know how long we will be in this house, but I can't help but think of the friendships that our kids can develop with neighbors. I remember playing with friends who lived down the street from us, and my parents just recently attended the 90th birthday party of the sweet neighbor who lived across the street from us when I was growing up. I look forward to the relationships that we get to build in this neighborhood!


Happy Friday!

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