Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year!

It's not very often that I sit down to plan new goals for the new year. Which probably sounds so antithetical to my Type A planner personality. It's not that I have something against goals or new year's resolutions. It's just that I find January 1st somewhat daunting when it comes to goals; I can plan too big and then be disappointed when things don't work out. So I usually just try to create goals and resolutions throughout the year. Maybe it's all in my head, but it seems to work better for me :)

But Mike asked me if I had any goals {and I didn't}, so he got me thinking about it, and I couldn't stop thinking about it. And now seems like a good time to set a few goals as I look ahead to what I want the next few months to look like. We have made it past the initial craziness of a newborn, and I feel like it's time to get back on track with a few things. So here goes nothing...

Goal #1: Drink 60 oz of water every day
I was drinking this much and more while I was pregnant and nursing, but dropped off considerably toward the end of the year. So I want to get back into the daily habit of drinking more water. It's just better for me overall, and it is going to help me with some of my health and fitness goals. So I am forcing myself to drink my 60 oz of water before I can drink any sweet tea... I love my sweet tea, so you can bet I will drink my water! :)

Goal #2: Increase my fitness level
A twin and singleton pregnancy within 2 years has not been super kind to my body haha. Things are not quite like they used to be, which is ok- it's part of being a mom! But I would like to develop better fitness habits to be healthy. I have all kinds of things I would like to do with this, but I also have to be realistic. I have 3 small kiddos, and a gym membership is just not in the cards right now. So I am committing to going on more walks and doing some Living Room Workouts. I have some ideas for fitness plans, and I think it could be fun! We'll see how it goes...

Goal #3: Listen to the Audio Bible daily
I did this when Eli and Maddie were born, and I really liked it. It's a simple way to "be in the Word," and I love the idea of having scripture playing for kiddos to hear too. So I will be bringing this habit back, and I hope to make it through the whole Bible again this year.

Goal #4: Read 55 books
I read 53 books in 2018, so why not shoot for 55 in 2019? :)

Goal #5: Participate in the #150hoursoutside project
A friend posted about this, and I love the idea! We definitely need to spend more time outside, and now that we have a better routine, and I am feeling a little more confident getting out with 3 little ones, I think this will be good for us. 150 hours isn't even really that much. But it's a good place for us to start! Even if it's just a walk around the neighborhood or playing with sidewalk chalk on the front porch...it will be good for us to spend more intentional time outside. We probably need to do some work to our backyard in the spring to make it safe for kiddos to run "free" so I will need to think through what that will look like too.

Goal #6: Do something creative every month
I have been missing doing creative things and have a laundry list of things I want to do. But again, I need to be realistic with my time. Especially since this isn't necessarily one I can {or really want} to do with little ones. So if I can just spend a little time each month doing something creative {sewing, DIY, hand lettering, coloring, photography, etc.}, I think that will be good for me. 

Goal #7: Be more intentional with discipling Eli and Maddie
As Eli and Maddie get older and start talking more, I want to be sure that I am being intentional with teaching them God's Word and helping them understand the goodness of Jesus. I want to do daily devotions with them during breakfast {because it starts off our day with God's Word, and they're contained and relatively quiet haha}. We have read through The Jesus Storybook Bible a few times {and LOVE it}, and will probably do that some more. But I am excited to start reading through The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible. I am working on some other things I'd like to incorporate throughout our day {songs, activities, etc}, but for now, we will start with reading during breakfast and listening to the Audio Bible. 


I will try to update throughout the year as a way to keep myself accountable. I think creating good habits at the beginning of the year will be key to actually making these things a regular part of our routine. There's also something good about writing down goals and making them public :)

Here's to 2019!

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