Saturday, January 26, 2019

Aiden :: 5 Months


Little Man, you are my adorable little chunk-o-monk! :)  You probably won't appreciate this when you are older, but right now, your baby rolls are just about the cutest thing on the planet. You ROCK the double chin; and when we get you smiling and giggling, with that round little belly...Mama just can't handle so much cuteness in one {maybe not-so} tiny person!! I just want to hold and snuggle you all day long. You bury your face into my shoulder, grab on to my fingers, or trace your hands along my face, and my heart just melts. I am thankful the Lord is allowing me to have these small moments in the midst of the crazy, because I want to soak them all up and remember them forever. I love you so much, baby boy!



Stats :: 20 pounds {yes, you read that right. two, zero. Maddie didn't even hit that until she was 7 months!}

Clothing/Diaper Size :: you are wearing size 9 months clothes {what?!?!} and size 3 diapers...I know a few 6 and 7 month olds who are wearing those sizes, little man; you are growing so fast! 

Loves :: your Pooh bear, your activity center, watching your brother and sister {you get so excited when you hear them coming!}

Dislikes :: your car seat, being hungry, tummy time {still}

Eat :: you definitely have an appetite! you are drinking about 35-40 ounces a day, and we switched you to the stage 2 bottles. you are a little more consistent with your feedings now, though you do still tend to snack throughout the day. we need to start you on solids soon, because you are drinking SO much haha! you have definitely started showing an interest in food, often grabbing for our plates and utensils as we eat, sticking out your tongue like you are wanting to try it. we have started sitting you at the table in your high chair with us, so maybe we'll start experimenting with some of the basics this month...

Sleep :: you are sleeping SO well, and you seem to have a more predictable schedule. you are still sleeping 11 hours at night {praise Jesus!}, and you are taking 3 naps a day. you will usually take a 1 to 1.5 hour nap in the morning, a 1 to 1.5 hour nap in the afternoon, then a short 30-45 minute catnap before dinner. that gets messed up on Sundays {because of church} and when we are out during the week, but I am really trying hard to hold tight to the schedule you seem to be setting. it might keep us home a bit more than I'd like, but I want to make sure you get your sleep and we stick to a good routine. no sense messing with a good thing, right?

Play/Development :: you have discovered your feet and hold them when you are on your back. you are holding toys with no problem, often shaking and examining them with both hands. you have a death grip now, so I have to watch my hair and earrings. you absolutely love your little activity center, playing with all the fun toys on it. you want so badly to roll from back to tummy and you often make it to your side and then stop. when you are on your tummy, you fuss until I encourage you to roll to get off your tummy haha. you love seeing yourself in the mirror, and you have started blowing raspberries. you are drooling all the time, but I haven't seen any teeth yet.

Unique to You :: your Daddy and I talk a lot about how simple and happy you are. meaning, you are pretty straightforward, we don't have to work super hard to figure out what you need. and you don't really need too much! you pretty much go with the flow, and overall are super happy. when we go get you in the morning, you are already smiling before you have even opened your eyes haha. you really only get upset when you are hungry, in your car seat {and the car is not moving}, or when tummy time has gone too long for your liking. you are just content to be where you are, and we wonder how much of that will be a part of your personality moving forward.

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