Friday, November 2, 2018

Eli + Maddie :: 2 Years

Turns out, 2 year olds don't like staying still, looking at the camera, or smiling. But these two will hold hands :)

Eli & Maddie,

Happy Birthday, my sweet baby loves! I know you're not babies anymore, but you will always be my baby loves! We look back at photos from your birthday last year and we are amazed at how much you have both grown and changed in just 1 short year. It has been so fun to see your little personalities solidify even more, and while the toddler stage can definitely be difficult at times, there are so many sweet moments. We love the sweet bond that you both have developed with each you are actually starting to play more together, how you always grab the other's water cup when you go to get your own, or give each other hugs and kisses at bed time. You have also started reaching for each other as you say "hand?" wanting to hold hands and walk around together. Melts this Mama's heart!

Your words have exploded in the last few months, and your understanding has skyrocketed. It's still really difficult to catch everything you're trying to say, so we are entering the toddler frustration period. But we're learning and are just so excited about all the new words you learn. You mimic so much! You both walk around with your stuffed animals and baby dolls wrapped in blankets, "shushing" them to sleep, doing exactly what you see Mama and Daddy do with your little brother. You do have this fun little word that we can't figure out: bika. But you both say it ALL the time and get all kinds of laughs and giggles from it. Maybe it's a twin word? Either way, you are learning so much, and it's fun to watch you grow!

Your Daddy and I are amazed at the little people that you are. We are so thankful to Jesus for the gifts that you are, and we want you to know the good gifts that He provides to all of us. Your Daddy has led the way in already speaking the gospel to you both, and we pray for you to come to know Him at a young age. We pray that you come to know and love Him, that you learn to love and serve others around you, that you develop and keep a close bond with each other your whole lives. 

We love you both so much. Happy 2nd Birthday, baby loves!


E L I J A H      W I N N

Stud Muffin

Stats :: 26 pounds, 35 inches tall

Loves :: trucks/cars, your Daddy

Dislikes :: deviating from the plan, being away from Daddy

Eat :: you have become a little more particular about what you eat. you tend to leave your chicken on your plate these days, but you still eat your vegetables. and of course, you LOVE carbs. your absolute favorites are turkey dogs, bread, and tomatoes. you are very particular about how items are arranged on your plate, often rearranging things as you eat. 

Sleep :: you are still a good little sleeper at night, sleeping 11-12 hours. your afternoon nap has starting to shorten a bit, but you still need that sleep, so we're trying to figure out how to help you sleep longer. 

Play/Development :: you are running all over the place, climbing up on the couch and chairs, kicking/throwing balls, standing on your tiptoes, learning how to put on your own pants, and using a fork really well. you have attached to your stuffed dog and monkey, often wanting us to wrap them in blankets for you to rock and shush like we do to Aiden. you can match puzzles, build with legos, and stack just about anything. you have started singing, and your language has exploded! you have even started putting together 2-3 word sentences. you have also started exerting your toddler tantrums, also showing signs of jealousy for our attention...

Unique to You :: buddy, you are a twin, so you naturally share most things with your sister, but you will always be my first baby I held in my arms. and nothing makes you more special because I had prayed for so long for that one moment. when I first held and met you, all of my fears and worries about becoming a mother were washed away by the reality that Jesus alone had placed you in my arms. you have taught me about compassion and how to slow down. you are our little engineer boy, always trying to figure out how things work. you can spend long periods of time off playing by yourself, but you also love goofing around with your sister. you have such a sweet and sensitive heart, but you definitely like to have things happen the way you think they should. you don't love to deviate from "the plan." you can be just as silly as your sister, and you love your Daddy something fierce.

M A D E L I N E      G R A C E

Sweet Girl

Stats :: 33 pounds, 36.5 inches tall

Loves :: books, your brothers, your baby doll, airplanes

Dislikes :: anything out of place {we have to acknowledge and fix everything you point out that instant because you cannot let it go...diapers in the pail, doors open, cups out, etc}, being told "no"

Eat :: you are still a good little eater. you also have become a little more particular about what you eat, but you pick and choose the things you will and will not eat at varying times. meaning, one day you will eat TONS of one thing and then the next day not touch it at all. your absolute favorites are turkey dogs, pasta, and oranges.

Sleep :: you are still a good little sleeper at night, sleeping 11-12 hours. we think you would sleep longer at your nap if your brother didn't wake you up, but you still wait contently in your crib until he is up and we come get you; you let him sound the alarm :)

Play/Development :: you are running all over the place, climbing up on the couch and chairs, kicking/throwing balls, standing on your tiptoes, starting to take off your own diaper {yikes!} and using a fork really well. you have attached to your baby doll, often wanting us to wrap her in blankets for you to rock and shush like we do to Aiden. you can match puzzles, know your colors, build with legos, and stack just about anything. your language has also exploded, but I often still have to listen carefully to understand some of your words. you have also started exerting your toddler tantrums, as well as testing your boundaries by disobeying more often and more deliberately...

Unique to You :: lady bug, you are a twin, so you naturally share most things with your brother. but when you were placed in my arms, I held a physical manifestation of abundant grace. and nothing makes you more special because I had prayed for so long for ONE baby to hold in my arms, and Jesus gave me two. Jesus gave me YOU. when I first held and met you, I instantly fell in love and could hardly believe the beautiful gift Jesus had handed to me in you. you have taught me about joy and passion and empathy. you love your one-on-one time, often curled up in our laps with a book to read. you have such a big, fun personality, but you also have such a nurturing and empathetic heart. you are instantly wanting to help in every way you can, particularly with your baby brother, and you do not like it when other people around you are upset. when Aiden is upset, you bring him a blanket, a swaddle, a paci, anything you can find. when Eli is upset, you rub his back and bring him his cup or a toy. you love BIG, sweet girl, and we love seeing you care for your brothers.

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