Monday, November 26, 2018

Aiden :: 3 Months


We thought you were the absolute cutest with your tiny baby smiles...and then you started giggling this month. And our hearts have just about melted! Talk about the ultimate cuteness factor :)  But you have also mastered the pouty bottom lip...and that just about kills us every time.

We love how you have just settled into our little family. We are still trying to figure out our new family routine, but you are patient and mostly go with the flow. Your brother and sister have adored you from day one, but it is fun to see how much you are starting to adore them too! You want to be a part of the action, so we can't imagine how excited you will be when you are actually able to keep up with them. 



Stats :: 16 pounds

Clothing/Diaper Size :: you wore 3 month clothing for about a week and have jumped to 6 month clothing {mostly because of your cute little belly}, and you have moved into size 2 diapers

Loves :: being held, smiling, kicking your legs

Dislikes :: tummy time {even though your physical therapist says you're GREAT at it}, being in your carseat {unless we're going at least 60 mph}

Eat :: you got a cold this month, so you weren't feeling great, which affected your eating. you didn't feel like eating much, so it has taken a little bit of time for you to work back up to your normal eating levels. you tend to eat lighter {and more frequently} in the morning and then increase your intake as the day goes on, tanking up before bedtime. you often want to be swaddled to eat, and you will hold tight to my fingers to keep the bottle in your mouth :)  

Sleep :: when you got sick, you struggled with eating and sleeping. so it has taken some time to work back up to a better sleep routine. you still only take 30-45 minute naps, though you have started taking a longer nap in the afternoon {sometimes}. most of the time you give us that long 5 {sometimes 6} hour stretch at night, but even that is not consistent. we're just hoping you move to another long stretch for the second part of the night soon. you're still super noisy when you sleep, so we will be moving you to your own room soon. as part of your physical therapy, we had to stop letting you nap in the swing. you also have to sleep with a rolled up blanket in your swaddle to help lean you to one side {so you turn your head to your left side}. we're glad it doesn't seem to bother you {and it's definitely helping to even out your little head}!

Play/Development :: you have been batting at toys and even grasping some of them. you started physical therapy for your torticollis, and you are doing so well! we have to do stretches to strengthen your neck, and your plagiocephaly is getting so much better already. you are "talking" ALL the time now, and you have even started giggling! you are constantly moving, kicking your legs and flailing your arms, like you are going everywhere in a hurry. you have discovered your feet and stare at them, trying to figure them out. your legs are super strong and you can "stand" really well. you are also able to sit really well in your Bumbo seat, though you don't seem to like to work that hard for too long :)

Unique to You :: little man, you are so fun! you have always been our smiling, happy baby, but now that you are starting to interact more and even started are just so fun. you love watching your brother and sister, as they tend to provide endless entertainment. you just want to be a part of everything. you LOVE the little monkey on your bouncy seat and the little turtle on your carseat; you get so excited when you see them :)

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