Thursday, December 21, 2017

Home Pregnancy Test

Today I am 9dp5dt...which means I am 9 days past the transfer of a 5 day embryo. I knew I wanted to test at home close to our Beta test, but in the past, I have usually waited to do that the actual morning of our blood pregnancy test. Since we had a morning transfer, and our little embaby was fully hatched at the time of transfer, I decided to test this morning. And plus, I just couldn't wait anymore :)

Mike and I decided to do this together. So I peed on the stick and left the test in the bathroom while we waited together during the 3 minutes. Mike asked me what we were wanting to see, and I told him we wanted to see 2 pink lines. When it was time, we both took a deep breath and looked at the test together. 

And it was the best moment to find out the results together. Our little embaby snuggled in!

I will go in tomorrow for the blood pregnancy test and see what our hcg numbers are. But for today, we are pregnant, and we could not be more excited for this little one to join our family!!

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