Monday, February 14, 2022

Happy Love Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!

We have been counting down to Valentine's Day all month with our 1 Corinthians Love Banner from Arrows and Applesauce. The kids have been so excited to turn over a new heart each day, and it was an easy way to have some Scripture memory!

The Valentine Olafs were such a hit a couple of years ago, and we are actual Frozen watchers {and lovers} now, so I decided to bring these back again. We hung them up on our wall, and they make me laugh every time I look at them...with their wonky eyebrows and floating bodies :)

This morning, the kids woke up to hearts on their doors, just a simplified version from last year, and then we had heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast! Now before you start thinking, "woah, she went ALL out for V-Day!"... truth: the hearts on the doors were extra parts from our Olaf projects that I didn't want to waste. And I had been meaning to make pancakes to freeze for I forced myself to do it yesterday and just attempted hearts this time, to then just stick in the freezer. Simple little things that didn't take a lot of extra work and the kids loved!

The kids made Valentine cards/pictures for Daddy, and I decided to update Mike's "Daddy Memory Book." I started this book when I was pregnant with the twins, writing journal entries of our journey to building a family. It has each of the kids footprints from the day they were born, and cute updates to their footprints over the years. This year, I decided to do thumbprints from our little Love Bugs.

And no Valentine's Day {for us} would be complete without a Dollar Tree painting canvas! This is one of my favorite go-to projects for the kids. They love to paint, and I love that they're only $1 :)

Mike brought me home a beautiful rose and balloon, root beer and break-and-bake cookies. I got him chips and salsa from Uncle Julio's...we know the ways to each others' hearts :)

Valentine's Day hasn't always been such a big thing for us, and I am still trying to keep it special, but simple. Mike and I usually exchange a card and small gifts, but it's just a sweet day to say "I love you!" With the kids, it has been fun to hype things up a bit and pour out some extra love to them. I love how excited they have been to count down, talk about love, and show love to each other. 

I pray that they always know how much they are loved, by us, and most importantly by God. And I pray that they learn the best ways to love other people. 

Happy Love Day!

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