Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Hip, Hip, Hooray :: Aiden Turns 2 Today!

Our Little Pooh Bear turned 2 today!!

We made the decision not to have a party this year {you know, COVID and all...we could have done something outside, but AUGUST in TEXAS}. We wanted to make his day special, so we decided to have a fun "Pooh Bear Day" for our little Pooh-loving boy. Mike took the day off, so we were able to spend the whole day as a family. I decorated the house in all things Pooh Bear, and it was so fun to see his face light up when he saw his favorite character plastered everywhere. 

We took some morning birthday photos, opened Pooh-themed presents, had a family dance party, and introduced the kids to the classic Pooh Bear movie The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. There was certainly no shortage of birthday fun, and more than enough Pooh Bear to last a lifetime :)

And of course, none of our birthday celebrations would be complete without specially decorated cookies from Aunt Lindsay! She always does such an amazing job, and it's fun that the twins are starting to specifically ask for Aunt Lindsay's creations. Eli has been trying to get his birthday order in for months now haha!

We did a zoom call with my family so they could wish our cutie a happy birthday and watch him open his present from them. No "Pooh Bear Day" would be complete without actual Pooh Bear presents :)  They had sent him a new stuffed Pooh Bear {to hopefully replace the}. But he was pretty enamored with having two bears, so we'll see how that goes...

Granny and Grumpz came over for an outdoor picnic dinner, and the spoiling just continued. He got to enjoy a yummy pizza dinner, playing with "Banny" and "Bumpz," and he was beyond excited for his new vacuum! This boy loves to help me vacuum, and he had been folding up Maddie's doll stroller to use as a makeshift one. Now he has his very own "real" vacuum, so he's all set! Our garage floor is very clean now.

I think overall, he had a pretty fun day. He probably said "Pooh!" 8,000 times today, and he loved being showered with attention and love. At the end of the day, he was wandering around the house {carrying both Pooh bears}, singing "Happy Birthday" to himself over and over. I'd say that's a pretty good birthday for a two year old! :)

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