Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Crohn's Chronicles :: Oh, Flares

The last 10 days have been rough. I have not been feeling my best, and I have quickly been reminded of the realities of my disease. I have been flaring {which means that I have had active symptoms}, and have been pretty miserable. Poor Mike has had to step in a lot to help with the kids, and I have pushed off all of my to do's because I basically just collapse in bed at every opportunity I get. If I'm not in the bathroom. Did I mention that I really dislike being back in this place where my disease is active again? Sigh.

I am in that hard in-between time, where my disease is active and I'm waiting for my new medicine to start working. And unfortunately, the steroids I took before only helped while I was on them; I started flaring almost immediately after my regimen was done. So my doctor put me on another prednisone taper. I will do another 4 weeks of steroids to get the inflammation in my intestines to calm down, and hopefully allow my Entyvio infusions a chance to work. There were some side effects to the prednisone, but I'll take those over a flare any day. 

I had my second infusion last Friday. Thankfully, again, I didn't have any reactions, and it was an easy, in and out appointment. I got a window seat this time, which was nice, though I did have to listen to the person in the infusion station next to me snore the whole time. No judgment here...I'd sleep too, if my infusion time wasn't so short :)

One of the sweet girls in my community group sent me a text that she had dropped something on my front porch. She left me an incredibly thoughtful gift, filled with items for someone with Crohn's. She had read a blog and learned about some helpful items, thinking they would be helpful for me. How sweet is that?? It was just the encouragement that I needed, and I am so thankful for all the prayers and encouragement that the Lord has brought through sweet friends and family. It makes it easier to face the harder days.

The card was my favorite haha

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