Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Aiden :: 1.5 Years

My baby boy is a year and a half! It feels like this past 6 months has flown by. He's walking and talking and generally not acting like a baby anymore. Cue ALL the mama tears.


Sweet boy, you are such a joy and delight in our little family! When I think about how God placed you in our family, I can't help but tear up as I feel so much gratitude that you are OURS. You fit perfectly into this crazy little life we have going on here, and I just can't imagine it without you. You are the definition of "full of life," and your endless antics keep us smiling all day long. We can tell that you are going to be our little jokester, as you attempt to do something funny and then look to make sure someone is looking and going to give you the laugh you want. And the snuggles, Little heart swells to overflowing when you wrap your chubby little arms around my neck. Or barrel into me for a hug, from out of nowhere. It feels like my heart might explode every single time. And I am trying to soak up every bit of those moments, because it's hard for me to face the fact that my sweet baby is no longer an actual baby anymore. But it is so much fun to watch you grow and learn and interact with your brother and sister. And I just can't wait to see how your relationships develop as you all grow up together. I love you, sweet boy, more than I can ever put into words.


Current Schedule ::
7:15am      Wake Up/Breakfast
8:00am      Play Time {usually bothering your brother and sister}
9:00am      Nap {still hanging on to that morning nap, at least when we're home}
10:00am    Snack
10:30am    Play Time or run errands
12:30pm    Lunch
1:30pm      Nap
4:00pm      Snack
4:30pm      Play Time
6:30pm      Dinner
7:00pm      Bath Time
7:30pm      Bed Time


Clothing/Diaper Size :: you are still wearing a size 5 diaper and size 2T clothes...though I think you'll be moving to 3T pretty soon. that little belly just likes to peek out too much :)

Loves :: your Pooh bear, playing with balls, taking your clothes off {seriously, if you are upset and we know you're not hungry or thirsty, we ask if you want to take your clothes off and you start pulling at your shirt, trying to get it off...and you will happily run around in your diaper, even when it's freezing in the house}

Dislikes :: not being held/close/on top of a parent, waiting for food, not being in the middle of everything, haircuts

Eat :: you are an eating machine! you love food; we still can never get food in front of you fast enough. you love all food, but some of your favorites are oranges, sweet potatoes, and mac 'n' cheese- you can pound those foods. you have also started using a spoon {way sooner than your brother and sister ever did}, and you're actually pretty good at it! 

Sleep :: you are also our champion sleeper. you are still sleeping 11-12 hours at night, but are content to play in your crib quietly even if you do wake up early. you are still hanging on to that morning nap {but can skip it here and there if we're out}. I will ask you if you're ready for your nap, and you hold your arms up, ready to go. you will still sometimes fuss for a few minutes when I leave the room, but will calm down pretty quickly, even if you don't fall asleep right away. you have no problem taking a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon!

Play/Development :: you are walking and running everywhere. you are talking ALL the time, though most of your words aren't super clear yet. you repeat {or at least try to repeat} anything we say, and it's pretty cute when you growl your words :)  you can say "mama," "mommy," "daddy," "sasha," and a variation of everyone else's names. please = "beeee,"  excuse me = "{burp noise} me," thank you = "dant do." most of the time you are pretty happy, but you are in this strange {and LOUD} screaming phase, and boy is it ear-piercing. we are all definitely ready for you to move on from that stage. you are incredibly expressive! we never have to guess how you're feeling, because it is written all over your little face :)

Unique to You :: oh, my cutie red-haired boy...your nicknames include some variation of "cute/cutie"  : cutie bug, cutie pants, cute stuff, cutie boy. those baby blues look almost violet sometimes, they are so piercing. when I hold you on my hip, you will often subconsciously play with my wedding ring/band, or rub your fingers over mine, or pet my belly haha. you giggle uncontrollably when we try to buckle you in your car seat; I'm not sure why it's so funny to you, but you think it's hilarious. when we brush your hair, you immediately reach up to mess it up, pushing all of that mess of a mop forward {which we are letting grow out because you HATE haircuts}. you growl a lot. you run around after your brother and sister, never wanting to be left behind.

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