Thursday, February 13, 2020

A Vision of Beauty

Back in August, we noticed Maddie had a crossed eye. She had recently learned how to cross her eyes to be silly, and then we noticed that she was crossing them ALL the time. It took us {read: me} a bit to realize that she was no longer doing it on purpose and couldn't seem to straighten her eyes, so we took her to see the pediatric ophthalmologist. She didn't have any vision issues, so it meant that it was a muscle issue. So that old wives' tale is true; if you cross your eyes, you CAN get stuck! Particularly if you are a toddler with growing eye muscles. Oh, Maddie girl...

We started patching to try to retrain her eye muscles, but unfortunately that didn't seem to be helping much, so we got referred again to a pediatric ophthalmologist who specializes in surgery. She did really great with the vision tests...until they had to dilate her eyes with the "raindrop kisses." She definitely was NOT a fan. We found this cute little ladybug at the Dollar Tree next door to help her be brave for the second part of her appointment.

And while she kept repeating that she didn't want any more raindrop kisses, she was brave enough to allow the doctor to finish the eye exam. She is slightly far-sighted, but the prescription is definitely minimal. The original doctor had written it off since the prescription was so small {and one that small is very common and temporary at her age}, but the new doctor thought it would be worth one last try, just in case it could be enough to retrain her eye. So we left with a prescription for new glasses!

Maddie was not super excited about wearing glasses, even though Eli, Mommy, and Daddy all wear them. We were finally able to convince her that they might be an ok idea if she got to wear pink ones. When we went to pick them out, they {of course} didn't have pink ones to try she really struggled with wanting to try on the ones in the store {oh, toddlers}. We have been trying to talk them up while we waited for them to arrive, and she seemed to be excited about her "double gum pink" glasses coming, but I was still not sure how she'd react when they came in.

It took A LOT of convincing {as she kept pushing them off, not allowing us to even put them on fully}, but she finally put them on, and seemed to do pretty well with them for the evening! Of course, we'll see how she feels about them tomorrow, as I'm sure she doesn't realize this is a temporary-permanent thing. Meaning, she has to wear them all the time for the next 2 months to see if it helps. But for now, she's the most adorable little girl in her "double gum pink" glasses :)

So now we have 2 in glasses, and we're praying that this is the ticket to correcting that cross eye for good. The next step would be surgery, so we'd like to avoid that if we can. For now, I am just loving my two adorable little glasses-wearers! 

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