Friday, December 7, 2018

{Crohn's Awareness} :: A Quick Update

There wasn't a new theme this year for Crohn's & Colitis Awareness Week, so I thought I would just provide a quick update on my own health. It's actually the last day of Awareness Week, but I also had another follow up with my GI today, so it worked out perfect to provide the most up to date info :)

I was 27 when I was diagnosed, 6 years ago this month. I often say that I received my diagnosis the most expensive way possible: in the emergency room. I had an appointment with my GI scheduled, but never made it to that first appointment, because I ended up in the ER before that. I ultimately received my diagnosis through a colonoscopy and subsequent biopsy and lab work. 

I have been able to achieve remission through medication {Humira}, diet, rest, and stress management. Thankfully, I did not have too much trial and error once I received my diagnosis, which is very rare with IBD. Humira has worked well for me, I was able to identify my flare triggers within the first few months, and I have worked hard to get good rest and reduce stress.

Last year, my GI mentioned that they start to do extra monitoring about 7 years after the onset of symptoms {which for me was about 2 years before my diagnosis}. It's usually about this time that patients can start to see the return of flares or even the efficacy of medication start to slip. So I have been going to see him more often, with my most recent appointment today.

Thankfully, all checks out well, and I am still considered in remission. I will see him again in 6 months, but he didn't have any concerns.

I am so thankful for continued health and for the grace the Lord has allowed me to have in remission. 

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