Friday, October 26, 2018

Aiden :: 2 Months


Your smile is the absolute best! We just have to look at you, or say your name, and your whole face lights up! You are so much bigger than your brother and sister were at this point! {For reference, the Snowflake Baby onesie that you're wearing is the same one your brother and sister wore when they were 4 months old}. You have outgrown your size small "baby burrito" swaddles, all of your newborn clothes, and your Rock 'N Play. The co-sleeper and swing are not far behind. Many people comment on how you look more like a 3-month old. It's crazy that it has already been 2 months, and we know that you'll be running around with your brother and sister soon enough. We sure have had a crazy month, haven't we, baby boy! But through it all, I am so thankful that you have just rolled with the punches. I have struggled with many things and feel like a first time mama all over again...having 1 baby is just so different from having 2 at a time! Your Daddy has taken such good care of you while I have been sick, and I am so thankful that you have a sweet bond with him. There is no one else in the world who can calm you like your Daddy can. This hard season will pass, and I am working hard to feel better so we can figure out our new routine with 3 little ones. I want you to know that I love you so very much. 



Stats :: 14 pounds, 23.75 inches tall

Clothing/Diaper Size :: you are wearing 3 month clothing, but you are still wearing size 1 diapers 

Loves :: being held, watching your brother and sister run around, bath time

Dislikes :: still dislike that gas {but who can blame you?}, falling asleep

Eat :: this was a challenge for us this month. we struggled through countless plugged ducts and a round of mastitis. for this and other reasons, mama had to make the decision to stop breastfeeding, which was incredibly difficult. I'm so sorry, sweet boy. But I am so thankful that you were able to get breastmilk for 7 weeks, and that you transitioned to formula really well. we had a few rough days as you knew something was clearly different, but once again, you rolled with the punches. you do tend to be a snacker, and we're still figuring out your eating patterns, as you tend to be all over the place. 

Sleep :: you don't sleep much :)  you never really have, and we're not sure if this is a temporary thing, or if it's just your personality. granted, there is A LOT going on in the house, so it's probably difficult for you to sleep. you also fight sleep like it's your job. you will yawn and nod off, clearly tired and ready to sleep...but will jolt yourself awake every time. or if we finally rock you to sleep, you are instantly awake when we put you down. but you don't seem too upset about the amount of sleep. you wake up happy and ready to observe the world around you. we're still trying to identify your sleeping patterns, as you tend to like short naps {30 minutes}. there were many days that you slept a grand total of 3-4 hours the whole day. but you have started giving us one 5 hour stretch at night, which is awesome! so we will just have to continue learning your sleep patterns and preferences. 

Play/Development :: your neck muscles are getting stronger and stronger. we spent some time at the chiropractor to work on your torticollis {just like your brother!}, but we had to take a break. we hope to go back soon so we can continue warding off that flat head. you aren't overly excited about tummy time, so we will have to keep working on that. you find a way to inch forward every time, because your legs are so strong! you track toys and people really well, and you have started batting at toys. we gave you a pacifier this month, because we learned that you love to comfort suck. you have also started "talking" and I enjoy our sweet little "conversations"  :)

Unique to You :: you are still our happy baby boy! you really don't fuss too much, and when you do, it's because you have gas, are hungry, or don't want to fall asleep. you just really like to be held and/or part of the action. but even though it can be frustrating in the middle of the night when you are up for long periods of time, and we are rocking you to sleep for 30-45+ minutes at a time, there is nothing like looking down at your sweet face and seeing you smile. how can we be frustrated with that sweet smile? and I do have to say that your giggles while you sleep are the absolute cutest thing ever :)

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