Sunday, May 28, 2023

Health Check-In :: MRI Results

After my appointment with the neurologist, she wanted to have a repeat MRI done, since I have a history of a tumor on my pituitary gland. I also had some lab work done to check my prolactin, B-12, and magnesium levels.

Thankfully, my B-12 and magnesium levels were normal. But my prolactin levels were slightly elevated again, so I was curious to see what the MRI showed. The good news is that there was no indication of a tumor in/on my pituitary gland. And "the overall appearance of the brain is normal." That's always good to hear :)

Since my prolactin levels are elevated, I will probably need to go see an endocrinologist to see if there's something else I need to address. It could also just be a result of medication I take, changes in hormones, a result of stress from being sick for so long, etc. So for now, it will be something we monitor.

The really interesting thing is that she could see a few tiny white dots scattered in the white matter of the brain. They are nonspecific {and benign}, and most commonly seen in individuals with a history of migraine headaches. Again, I didn't need more proof of the migraines I have experienced, but I thought it was so interesting that there is actual physical proof on my brain.

I have been on the maintenance medicine for a little over a month now. I have seen a slight improvement, mostly in the severity of my migraines. I still have had quite a few headache days, but most of them have been managed with Tylenol. I do also think that has been helped by the rescue med. If I can take it in time, then it usually knocks the migraine out, which turns a once 2 to 3 day migraine into a 1/2 day one...a huge difference! I am going to give it a couple more weeks and then check in with the neurologist, as we may have some tweaking to do to help bring the overall headache days down. But I have reflected more than once on how grateful I am that I was able to get in to see her in April, and did not have to wait until September, like originally planned. 

I'm not claiming victory over migraines yet, but I am definitely headed in a better direction!

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